F3Dads “workout”… Have you seen my kid?

Had an amazingly Fun workout  at The Estate this Saturday!

19 people including 2.0's & 3.0's

  • Freedom
    • Tornado Alley
  • Turnpike
    • Ms. Sassy Mallasy
  • Carpet Bagger
    • Petunia
  • Eeyore
    • Firecracker
  • Land Shark
    • Spicy
    • Bean
  • TiraMisu
    • Velocci
  • Elmers
    • Cookie
  • BounceyHouse
    • Unicorn Horn
    • Shark Tooth
    • Hurricane Hudson

We are so blessed to have had 19 PAX (8 Dads & 11 kids) come out on a cold (ish) morning and get to have a great time together playing games and singing some "repeat after me" songs.

Here is a general breakdown if what happened:

0700:  Several late arrivers, no worries!


Mosey up to the Basketball courts

Circle up… ish

  1. Jumping Jacks X 15
  2. (insert favorite vegetable here) puller X 15
  3. Toy Soldier X 15
  4. 'Mericans X 15


Round 1 – Designated Kid Caller: Green Light = Reverse Lunge; Yellow Light = Forward Lunge; Red Light = Chair Pose Deep Squat

Round 2 – Different Designated Kid Caller: Green Light = Bunny Hops; Yellow Light = Hop forward, hop reverse; Red Light = Chair pose

Round 3 – Different Designated Kid Caller: Green Light = Lunges; Yellow Light = Reverse Lunges; Red Light = Burp-EEZ x 1

Take a quick lap around bus parking lot

GAME 2 – Octopus

Game works as follows: Designate a rough outline of a course… Dont make it too big, otherwise, its hard for the kids to catch anyone. Designate an Octopus (i used a dad and kid(s) combo but it can be any number of dads and kids). Game Play works similar to sharks and minnows, however no one is ever out… if you get tagged after being told to "swim to the other side of the court" (run) you then turn into seaweed which allows you to try and tag people as they run by, but you CANNOT move your feet.

3-4 rounds of this – Then we stopped as i believe all of our (dads only) knees were hurting (LOL!!) 

Big Props to Land Shark and his 2 – 2.0's on this one!

GAME 3 – Horses, Knights & Caveliers

 Game Play: The really hard part is to make a circle of kids walking in one direction (in a circle) and the dads to make another circle encompasing the kid circle BUT walking the opposite direction (concentric circles). The caller then (designated at the start of the game) will call out the following action to be perfromed by the kid/dad combo:

  • Horses
    • Dad gets on his knees, kid rides dad like a horse
  • Knights
    • dad holds kid in front of them like you would carry a damsel in distress, wife across the threshold, etc.
  • Cavaliers
    • Dad picks kid up to a shoulder of their choosing so the kid appears to be seated on dads shoulder

Last person to complete the move(s) is out… Battle to the last dad kid combo… Definitely encourage you to call more than one move on any given turn.

Mosey to track

Dads attempt to carry all children for about 1/4 of track distance, then back again…

Repeat after me song – PIZZA MAN (not my best showing, but i believe the kids liked it)

Every time you hear the word "BOP" you have to do 1 – Burp-EEZ

Recover Recover


Hudson recieved F3 Nick Name – Hurricane Hudson

donuts and orange juice served afterwards

Recomendations: Highly reccomend bringing some cones to conduct these games… I brought some and they helped to outline the courts.

Appreciate everyone coming out & I hope everyone had fun!!  Next time I promise to sing a better repeat after me song. (LOL)
