Original #TacoTuesday Returns to its Roots

Event Date

Jan 08, 2019

5 uptown pax jumped at the opportunity to ring in 2019 with a trip to The Local on #TacoTuesday.

YHC arrived first and, seeing that the high tops that the pax have occupied on all recent trips to The Local were already claimed by other groups, headed to the good ol' six-top in the left corner that Ramrod, SweetC, and YHC regularly used to claim in the days before Ramrod declared that #TacoTuesday was a thing.

Jaws and Ramrod strolled in soon after YHC, followed by Swing State, and then finally Hoodie, who seldom misses #TacoTuesday.

Some notes:

  • YHC had thought it was well-established that ground beef was the go-to order at The Local, and so I ordered 4 of these, but the rest of the pax wanted variety.  Three pax went with one of each of the four $2 taco options, and Hoodie nearly did the same, subbing out the veggie taco for a second steak taco.
  • The pax were generally in agreement that the chicken taco was fairly flavorless but very dense and filling.  Almost too dense and filling, in fact.  There were no comments, positive or negative, on the veggie and steak tacos, as far as YHC was aware.  Perhaps the pax will turn back to ground beef next time?  Sound off below.
  • Turnpike nearly joined the group today.  His lunch meeting was cancelled in time for him to attend, but alas, he had already ordered and eaten Tru (Zen) Taco before the cancellation was communicated to him.  Hey, at least you got some tacos!  See you next week, bud.
  • No Roadie today, as he now has a semi-regular Tuesday lunch meeting, and won't be able to make it every week.  Man, who schedules a standing lunch meeting on Taco Tuesday?  That is weak.  Hope you insist that any lunch being ordered in for the meeting consists of tacos.  See you next week as well (hopefully).
  • Twister is doing Whole 30 and is going to see us in Feb.  Good luck with that, brother.  YHC is on the Taco 30.  Have to say, it is much tastier.  See you soon.
  • We've not seen a number of our #TacoTuesday regulars in a while…..SweetC, Clubber, Ziploc, Wegmans, Magnus, MobyDick, Omar, Mona Lisa, Mortimer, Gnarly Goat…. you guys are missed.  Come back!
  • Lot of car discussion today.  Incredible story related by Swing State.  Had to #S2K that one.
  • Good discussion on the future of the Pickle 66 / Basin Run, to hopefully be continued at the upcoming board meeting – Sun Jan 13 6pm at Mt. Zion UMC "Hut" in Cornelius.
  • Where do the pax want to head next week?  Sound off below!
