A new take on 5 more

Event Date

Jan 18, 2019

Dislaimer–"this workout may include gluten and/or nuts."


21's SSH Style—21 IC SSH's with first 5 counted out load and remaining 16 counted silent with expectation PAX stop together—PASS/FAIL=5 Block Burpees OYO

Stretch up/Stretch down

Plank Jacks (IC) x 15

Tony Hawks (IC) x 15

Mini Capri lap


A different twist on "5 more" that the PAX did not pick up on so we continued adding 5 reps to every exercise. PAX do two exercises at top, travel down to the bottom but have a mental task to complete. If not completed in the allotted time a penalty of 5 more burpees is given. We use the first trip up the lot to set the timer.

Start at bottom of parking lot

5 Bell burpees OYO

Bell carry to top—Hallelujah, ruck, or farmer's carry style

10 Trifectas IC

15 Air Squats with Bell IC..which is not really an Air Squat pointed out by C#

Bell carry down but PAX need to line up in order of birth month (PAX can announce their own month on this one)—PASS/FAIL

20 Figure 8's IC

25 High Pulls OYO

Bell carry up and PAX need to carry one extra bell with the group but noone can carry two bells—PASS/FAIL…kinda passed but YHC had to give the solution. A PAX COULD carry 3 bellz however=1 Block Burpee OYO

30 American Swings OYO

35 Single Arm Press OYO

Bell carry down and PAX need to line up with Birth name (first) in alphabetical order, but no one can disclose their own name—PASS/FAIL…some PAX were confused as C# was on the end but Matt should be in the middle. Welcome Wade!…#WhoKnew

40 Calf Raises IC

45 Clean & Press OYO

Bell carry up and PAX need to line up according to height—PASS/FAIL…beanies made this a bit more difficult than needed

50 KB Push UP OYO

55 Plank Rows OYO

Bell carry up and PAX need to line up according to age—PASS/FAIL=5 Block Burpees OYO…once again C# confuses the PAX this time with his babyface

60 BB Sit Ups with Bell OYO

Make your way back to the Launch pad and line up according to Birth name (last) in alphabetical order, but no one can diclose their own name—PASS/FAIL


1 minute plank while pulling bell under body and back across


Proverbs 17:17

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."

Brother C# sent a good email out to the group some time ago encouraging those to push themselves out of a funk and to be positive. We can all fall away from the 1st aspect for one reason or another (injury, work, fartsack, etc.). Let's be sure to be there for them in the tough times as well. And for those that may have fallen away, know that the 1st IS the glue that binds us. It shows others that you are willing to be there when you may not want to be in the gloom. Set your "marker" for this year, whether it's once a week, 3 times, 1000 miles, a marathon, a better Christ follower, a better listening husband, a dad that plays with the 2.0's when he gets home even though all he wants to do is lay down on the couch, or whatever it might be…do it. And know that someone else is posting hoping you might be there.



Pray out


-WOW, there's just a lot about C# in here. Thought about editing but want to let him know it's good to see him back out. Just a solid dude that means a lot to YHC as he ultimately EH'd me (along with Skipper)

-Brother Marker seems to have recovered from his road rash earlier in the week as he was the only one doing some Standard work when pulling in.

-Mater has solved the Shovel flag problem now as he won't give it up. Seeing as he is posting to every workout now, I guess the burpee penalty will go away.

-Crawdad is about 1.5 seconds late but still gets called out. Love having this guy here as he pusshes YHC harder than he knows.

-One last item about the questionaire in the workout, as YHC was hopeful to have more numbers as it would have proved a bit more difficult and a check to see whose paying attention to names, ages, and deeper level things. As we learned in the COT, you never know what the brother beside you has going on in their life. Be sure to dig in and create those lasting friendships. YHC is definitely guilty of NOT doing this as much as he needs to. Hold him accountable please.

-Lastly Fallout in HVille is needing some Tuesday Q's. YHC has taken 2/5 so come join and support if you can or grab your own Q date. Step out of your comfort level and Q a different AO this year.
