Cold Iron, Hot Tabata

Kahuna is not listed above. If I missed anybody else please add to the comments.  Some didn't want to touch cold bells, so they ran.


Fifteen men of Race City broke the farsack curse and braved the artic blast for some heavy metal lifting. 


SSH x30

MC x20

Merkin x10

Windmill X10

Cotton Picker x12

Total Gym (start with KB on ground, deadlift to waist high, curl, military press, skull crusher, reverse the process and ground)  10 OYO

Mosey around small loop

Curl x10

LBC x25

  • Tabata:  20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes, two exercises each round.
  • Round 1:  KB Swings, KB Squats
  • Round 2:  Curls, Wide Grip Merkins  (Hummer correctly classified the "grip" on the big ball versus a "stance" or "angle")
  • Round 3:  London Slide, Flutter Press

Chariots of Fire Mosey, in a tight bunch, around the big block.  It felt good to keep the family together all at the same pace.

Tabata again

  • Round 1:  KB Swings, KB Squats
  • Round 2:  Curls, Merkins

Mary – Dewey led us in Freddy Mercury x25, and Kahuna brought out his inner drill sergeant for flutter presses x30.


Dang cold out there but we warmed up pretty good.  Pyle had a frozen bell that slipped out of his hand.  First ball drop at The Rock in a long time.  Well done!  I arrived early and saw Contra dressed like a ninja running laps.  Very scary, but very inspiring.  Also encouraged by the robust attendance given the frigid temps and the long weekend.  Your attendance means a lot to me – especially the smart comments about my screwups that keep the mood light.   You guys are the brothers I never had.

Thanks Motorboat for the words of inspiration in the COT and prayers for PAX in need.  And thanks Banana Peel for a second week with the keys.