Corner to Corner

Event Date

Jan 23, 2019


6 dedicated men showed for a 4 corners workout.  Here's what we did:


10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Mountain Climbers IC
10 Windmills IC

The thang:

Mosey to Rubbermaid parking lot

4 Corner Escalator
Start with one excercise, run to next corner.  At each corner add an excercise.  10 Jump squats, 20 Merkins, 30 LBC's, 40 Rocky Balboas.

Since Newton says what goes up, must come down… down we went.  40 Squats, 30 Low flutter, 20 Ranger merkins, 10 Apollo Onos

Mobility Minute, sponsored by Gnarley Goat
Downward Dog
Pidgeon Stretches

Mosey to Chipotle for some block work

Skull Crushers
Overhead Press
Bent over rows

Quick lap around the the lot

Putting book on the Shelf
Chest Presses
Blocks back, mosey to the fountain for Mary.

20 Rosalita IC 
20 Dying Cockroaches
Thee Burpee

Absolutely no mumblechatter this morning. This group was focused!  Other than dodging the Garbage truck that seemed to follow us from location to location all went well. 

Welcome to "CherryBomb".  Get signed up on the website brother, and dive into the madness.

Great to see Uncle Rico back at this AO.  It's been a while.

It was an honor and a privilege to Q this morning.  Thanks brothers.

Deep Dish