Abbreviated Q while Mining for the Perfect Nickname

Event Date

Jan 25, 2019

2nd post for Matt Easley, who lives in Mint Hill and this will be a regular over with the MECA crowd. Matter works with YHC at Metrolina Greenhouses so YHC met him last week for his 1st post in MECA and felt he needed to witness an LKN beatdown before going off on his own, so YHC invited him to join us for Cauldron and a Q by The Force himself. That W had to be cut short when work intervened the night before, but a fellow Metrolina employee is sure to understand and YHC knew the pax would have the Q’s back. 

So Thurs at The Wilderness it was raining but 61 degrees  Friday was clear but only 31.  Not sure which is better/worse.  But 9 emerged from only a few cars thanks The the clowncar.  Everyone met Mr Easley and the Warm-o-Rama began.

Quick lap up the hill and back, followed by SSH, IST, Cotton Pickers, Windmills and Mtn Climbers all fluidly strewn together for a graceful Warm-o-Rama and the pax seemed quite delighted.  During the disclaimer Toxic started doing burpees to keep warm. The pax watched and not one body flinched with temptation of joining him.  But to keep Toxic warm, we got started.  

Too cold at the bottom of the parking lot, so we zamparini’ed our KBs to the top of the parking lot. There we went through all the curls (low, high, full) and KB squats. Worried Toxic might get cold again, boggy-jog to the lower lot but stop there, again just for Toxic. At this point, we’re off the weinkie. 2 burpees. Now back to the top where the bells still await. 

Skull crushers, deadlifts were next, then down to the lower lot again, now 4 burpees (again – thank Toxic not YHC) and back to the top.  Toxic thought he’d take on the Force in a sprint here…  We both regretted it, but only one of us finished ahead of the other. Some elbows were thrown and the winner may have Forced his way to victory but no need to announce who. We were all winners today. 

Now we are atop the parking lot again.  Lawn mowers, Christian McCalf-raises and yet again, time to jog to the lower lot for, yes, 6 burpees.

Next time at at the top we partnered up for Helping Hands, but time was short for YHC so we grabbed the KBs and strolled down to the bottom where YHC handed it off to Die Hard and the pax. I hear there were more burpees and I assume there was MWAR (Mary With A Rope) as before I left I did whip out and show the pax my big, long, think, black… rope. 

The unlnown Moleskine:

Pax will need to fill in what YHC wasn’t around for…

But I do know we welcomed Matt Easley who grew up just down the road from Reed Mine in Midland, NC. As a boy Matt played in the creeked and mined for gold a little himself, but never to find a nugget. But here’s a nugget of info: the first gold found at Reed mine was found by Conrad Reed, son of settler John Reed, in 1799. It weighed 17 lbs but since Conrad didn’t realize it was gold, he used it as a door stop for 3 years before showing it to a jeweler in Fayetteville in 1802. That jeweler told Reed to name his price and he did. A week’s wages, which was $3.50.  The 17 lb “nugget” was worth $3,600 in 1802. 

We nicknamed Matt (thanks to Toxic’s research) “Sluice Box”.  Google it if needed. 

Pax, chime in – this BB has now gone longer than my partial Q.