Boot Camp @ The General!

I am missing to PAX – LoSa? and Deepak Tupak (I am sure my spelling is messed up. Someone please help in comments)

So I am ashamed that this was only my second visit to The General. I am trying to do a better job of mixing up workouts. I was thrilled and shocked with great turn out. I should have known better. I was a little nervous about putting a workout together not being that familiar with the location. I hope it lived up to previous General workouts. I am sore today, dam praying mantis!


warm up:

  • SSH
  • CP
  • Leg Stretch
  • 5 burpees


The Goods:

Partner Up, Size Matters. Hasselhoff and I were the the movie Twins

  • 2 Step Climb to 10 (Burpee/Squat) 
    • 1 Burpee, 1 Squat, 2 Burpee, 2 Squat …. to 10
    • I was going to go to 12 but I didn't want the PAX to dislike me from the start

To the Wall 

  • Praying Mantis x 30
  • Lunges x 10 each leg
  • Praying Mantis x 20
  • Lunges x 10 each leg
  • Balls to wall – 1 min (popular)
  • Peoples Chair – 1 min


Partner 1 carries partner 2 up section of parking lot, run back, then Partner 2 Carries panter 1. 

  • I had to firemans carry Hasselhoff because his feet would have dragged if I tried to carrie him piggy back
  • Repeat

Long jog to the rock pile

  • Curl Press (curl into should press LOL) x 20 
  • Partner Rock Pass – (stand back to back and pass rock back and forth)
  • Blast off Merkins x 15 or 20 (Thanks Travolia for Calling)

Short Jog back to cars

– Bam Bam's to 6


  • Mason Twist
  • Dying Cock Roach
  • LBC
  • Low Flutter


Sorry the battery died, the good tunes were coming. (DAM IT!! Kosar!!)

It was awesome to lead such a great group of guys, I hope you are as sore as I am. LOL

I wish I could have stayed for coffee but had to get home to be there when my daughter got up for her Birthday, 12 year old – Wow

I think the meeting that you all do after in regards to work and business is a wonderful thing you all do!!

2nd Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K, 2 Mile Walk and Virtual Run?

We all need to step up and support this amazing cause. Please come if you can and bring a friend or 2, but regardless please support. 

Have a super weekend

Kosar OUT