The FNG kept up with us. . .despite his youth and inexperience.

Event Date

Jan 26, 2019


Five veteran pax rose to the challenge to greet FNG Desmond while the soccer parents rolled in with their minivans. Quick introductions followed by:



Image result for jogging iconMosey twice around the field.

100 Side Straddle Hops

30 Pirate Ship Rides

20 Merkins

40 Girl Fights

15 Bobbie Hurleys


The Thang

Image result for jogging iconMosey to wall

30 Sheryl Sandbergs each side

40 Wall Climbers
Image result for jogging iconMosey to playground

20 Super-Slow Australian Triceps Extensions (with mid-course enhancement)

Mosey to far side of track

Pax choice: Boar Hog called for Double-Duty Stairs Up

3-Stair Lunges Down

Two-Stair Bunny-Hops UP

3-Stair Lunges Down

Image result for jogging iconMosey to rocks

Arm-a-geddon around track (approx.80 reps each: full curl, overhead press, skull crushers)

40 Bent-Over Rows

40 Flutter Chest Presses (because of the FNG, we didn't do the Little Baby Flutter Crunch Press)

Image result for jogging iconMosey to playground

32 Super-Slow Australian Triceps Extensions (with mid-course enhancement)

Image result for jogging iconMosey to stairs

One-Legged-Hops to Top

3-Stair Lunges Down


Image result for jogging iconMosey to pavilion for Mary's

10 Very-Slow Leg-Lifts with Stretch

40 Little Baby Crunches (LBCs)

20 Oblique V-Ups each side

Pax Choice with name-origin stories for the FNG:

30 W's

Elbow Plank

30 Dying Cockroaches

30 Rosalitas

20 Metronomes

Image result for moleskine
A pretty good turnout for BRP. Thanks to the pax who rose to the challenge and made for a fun but challenging workout to initiate the FNG. You made him feel welcome and appreciated. . .right up until the time when Hippie said maybe he should call him "son." There was some grumblechatter about the Australian Triceps Extensions and a couple of the Mary's, and Boar Hog looked like he was having a stroke at the track for a few minutes, but other than that it was a relatively basic Jersey Boy workout. We headed to Waterbean (sans FNG) for the Q Source and lots of second F. A stellar morning, gents. Thanks!
Image result for circle of trust

YHC took us out with an acknowledgement of the joys of F3, with a little education for the FNG, followed by a request for my "hokey" COT close: "Let There Be Peace on Earth." (Who am I to disappoint the fans?)