Jump Around

Event Date

Jan 29, 2019

It was nice to have a warm 47 day to work out, perfect Temp!

My workout tried to be mindful to the guys that did the murph the day before, only 5 pull ups and that was Omar's call. 


Warm Up:

  • 1 min jump rope
  • TS
  • CP
  • IST
  • 5 burpees
  • Leg Stretches
  • Merkins x 20



  • 2 min jump rope
  • run to get of parking area, 5 burpees
  • Lung walk 10 each leg
  • right leg hop, then left. 
  • Carolina dry dock x 10
  • sprint 80% to ropes

Grabbed blocks

  • 5 blockie
  • curls x 20
  • should press x 16
  • Block merkins x 20
  • 1 min jump rope
  • Run to end of parking lot, 5 burpees
  • Sprint 80% to island, 20 bobby hurleys
  • repeato

– Rockie balboa 

  • hop over block 20 total
  • Blast off Merkins – Travolta,
  • 5 pull ups – Omar
  • Jlo x 15 – Amen
  • Side up – Force
  • LBC and skipping – Kosar



  • Pretzel crunch
  • LBC
  • something else. .. lol


Ok, so another completely made up work out. I am missing some stomach/core workouts. Over all the goal was to keep moving. I think we jump rope for like 7 min. but if you ask the guys is was 6 min to long. The PAX was great and made it look easy. Glad to help burn a few calories.
