Driving “You’re no Daisy….but I’m your Huckleberry”

Event Date

Feb 09, 2019


Beautiful morning for a god workout. We had 7 present plus Skipper who brought the flag and came in for the finale. Two new guys are Ryan, named OBD (On-board Diagnostics) but not in the system yet, and his brother-in-law Jeremy, now "Tonka" but not in the system yet (Thanks, Shredder, for getting them in).



19 Mountain Climbers – Yes, you CAN start an F3 workout without doing Side Straddle Hops!

17 Windmills – No, you DON'T always have to go to nice, even, round numbers

23 Side Straddle Hops

16 Tony Hawks

11 Merkins

The Deal

Using the "gauntlet" format, all Pax Walking Lunge to top of parking lot, mosey back. Last one in starts doing sandbags over the shoulders. Everyone else Bear Crawls to top of parking lot and moseies back, last one in drops in to sandbags while that Pax moves over to Kettlebell swings. Everyone else back up with lunges, last one back drops in and everyone moves down a slot. Next gauntlet exercise is Box Jump Burpees, followed by Block Curls then Anvil Deadlifts and finally, Truck Shrugs. When the last PAx drops in the first comes OUT of the gauntlet and starts the lunges/bear crawls, picking up another Pax each time until everyone has gone through.

Quick Break – Q admits he has a special in store. Wanted to give the Pax a chance to do something they will likely NEVER have the chance to do again…push a Ford truck!!! So…

2001 Ford SuperCrew 4×4, GVW of 6750 plus a driver and my junk = @7000 lbs.

1 Pax at the front, 5 at the back, 1 in the driver's seat. Push from bottom of parking lot to top, approxiamtely 50 yards uphill, until each Pax has a turn in the driver's seat.  I don't know how to embed video but here is the link to my IG post – https://www.instagram.com/p/BtqnTg0F0hJ/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1dqp9lycmx3ko

Quick Break

Back through the "gauntlet" then load up toys and return blocks to the back. In the back we plank while 2 Pax do max pull ups, then switch until all pairs have gone.

Back to the front for Name-o-rama, naming of FNG2, Jeremy, as "Tonka" (the guy has the coolest toys including a vintage '69 Camaro).


Ephesians 6:13-17 (not typing all of it, but the key verse is 16)

"Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked."

The story has it that in ancient Sparta a warrior could be fined for losing his helmet, sword, or spear in battle. But he could be stripped of all citizenship if he lost his shield. His shield protected not just himself, but the man next to him, and…by extension…the whole line and the whole city-state. Spartans drilled constantly to make sure that the line stayed straight and that men didn't duck into the cover of the shield next to them, causing a fold in the line which could make it break.

When we accept Christ we are putting our arms into the shield. "Above all, taking the shield of fath…" We are pledging to serve Him and stand on the front line, as men, and defend our wives, our children, our communities and our country. Like the Framers of The Constitution wrote, we are pledging our "sacred honor" to the cause of good. Let us stand fully armored and be the men God intended us to be. Let us stand shoulder to shoulder and hold the line against the fiery darts that are coming from all directions and do so with honor. With God's strength we can overcome an enemy.

Pleasure to be with you all this morning!
