F3 Dads February Blocks, Animals and Dodgeball

17 Dads and 2.0’s gathered for the February monthly installment of F3 Dads LKN. Cold weather did not deter this group of Pax and Kids, but did bring out many colorful hats from the 2.0’s.


Tagless = Trebek, Sunshine, and Fierce Panda

Jolly Roger = Stink Eye and Fearless

Lonestar = Dental

Olive = Happy Meal

Blackbeard = Foosball

Black Bart = Unicorn Bear


·         Slow mosey lap with high knees, bum kickers then circle up

·         Stretch: Quad stretch  / Forward Fold / Reverse to Swan Dive up / Downward Dog / Upward Dog-Cobra

·         Pledge of Allegiance at shovel flag

·         SSHs x 20 IC, ISTs x 10 IC, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, the burpee. All exercises with instruction by Q—mostly to help the Pax, not the kids.


Mosey to blocks at back of parking lot/pull-up bars.  Dads get one block per 2.0 and one for him and circle up.

–          Kids do 20 step-ups on each leg while dads do 20 SC block merkins  and 20 SC squats w/block

–          Kids do 20 hop-ups (both legs) while dads to 10 SC Derkins with feet on the block

–          Dads plank hands on block while kids do 20 SC jumping jacks

–          Dads plank feed on block while kids do 10 toy soldiers

Return blocks


Trivia Question #1—Dads correctly identified General Thomas Gage as the governor of Massachusetts colony on

Feb 9th 1775 when the British Parliament declared the colony in rebellion and avoided burpees.


Trivia Question #2—Kids correctly determined that the New England Patriots have lost 5 Super Bowls and the Dads again avoided burpees.


Mosey to center parking lot for animal relay.

Collect into groups of 4 with mix of Dads and kids and find a parking lot stripe.

P1 = Bunny Hop across stripe and back / Others do SSHs until P1 returns

P2 =  Bear Crawl across stripe and back / Others do LBCs until P2 returns

P3 = Duck Walk across stripe and back / Others do Squats until P3 returns

P4 = Crab Walk across stripe and back / Others do Toy Solidiers until P4 returns

Repeato as relay race.


Trivia Question #3—Dads did not know the number of Americans who watched the Beatles first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show on Feb 9th 1964 to the nearest million  (73.7 million). 5 burpees while kids watched and kept count.


Trivia Question #4—Kids (with a big hint from Blackbeard) did identify Justin Bieber’s home country as Canada. Dads avoided 5 burpees.  


Dodge ball on the green

Mosey to Green for dodgeball

Round 1:  Dads + Kids mixed: Team MotorPool vs. Team Lonestar. W = Team Motorpool

Round 2: Dads vs. Kids. W= Dads

MVP: Motorpool.


Mosey back to flag for one minute of Mary. Dot the I led by Blackbeard.


COT and Donuts!



·         When Turnpike approached YHC to Q F3 Dads, admittedly it made me more nervous than Q’ing a mob of 30+ Pax with all their mumblechatter.  Again, I was humbled by the turnout of Dads and kids that would rise early on a dark, chilly Saturday morning and trust YHC to lead them.

·         T-claps also to Turnpike for bringing the additional props for dodgeball and capturing action shots on camera.

·         Hope the kids had fun with trivia and appreciate that their collective intellect kept the Dads from doing any burpees.

·         YHC may not know much, but he knows that the way to keep kids happy is to bring the donuts.

·         Foosball likes her some Dunkin Donuts. And, she was able to pull out a few for her big sister, too.

·          Continued prayers for Schneider’s family. Sweet Caroline has a sign-up genius to assist the family with meals over the coming weeks.

·         Support the upcoming Operation Sweet Tooth run on March 30th.

·         Thanks Blackbeard for the privilege of leading at this AO for the F3 Dads format. YHC will be back in running shape soon and ready to a Q with the Pax.

