V-Day Heart Pumping Action

Event Date

Feb 14, 2019


10 awoke with enlarged hearts like the grinch to attempt a novel wheel barrow workout.  As the Q arrived through the woods with a wheel barrow and the SVU guide on (thanks Skipper!) whispers of unkown joy filled the air.  (FNG-1 is DD)


20 x Plank Jacks
20 x Mountain Climber

10 x hand release Merki

The Thang

Mosey to back playground

Max Pull ups with ½ the group and the other half jumping jacks

Swap and repeat

Grab a block and head to AO.  Load Blocks in wheel barrow.

Was not expecting 3x normal SVU turnout so the jimmy rigged wheel barrow groaned with the load. Cheetah wisely recommended some run with blocks to alleviate the load. 

One pax jogs with loaded wheel barrow while the rest mosey along side (some with blocks) to first of 5 pain stations marked by high quality SVU LED light poles. 

**Below exercises with blocks***

  1. 15 x block rows
  2. 15 x American hammer
  3. 15 x curls for girls
  4. 15 x flutter kicks with block held up
  5. 10 x squat thrusters

Cardio work at clubhouse parking lot

2 x karoke

Butt kickers and high knees


Head back to AO with pain stations and wheel barrow in reverse

  1. 15 x oblique twist
  2. 10 x skull crusher
  3. 15 x WWI w/ block
  4. 10 x overhead press
  5. 10 x something good I can’t remember

Park wheel barrow at AO and blocks back up.

Repeat start of max pull ups and jumping jacks.


15 x box cutters

2 minutes of plank with various appendages and combos lifted

30 sec American Hammer sans blocks

Reflection: 1 Corinthians 13

One of the most popular versus in the Bible comes at the front today. 

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

What is unconditional love?  How do you receive it?  How do you give it?  Pick one characteristic of love from this verse and focus on that today.  It’s not easy! 


Thanks to everyone’s patience and endurance with the wheel barrow event.  Impressed with the herculean effort by all, when it was my turn I didn’t realize how heavy that would be loaded out!

Turns out doing the pre blast resulted in a bump in participants from normal SVU numbers (that’s a passive aggressive comment shout out on behalf of Mulligan)

-Cheetah improvised without a block by attempting skull crushers with wheel barrow (#beast mode or #L3vertebraeseparation)

-Retread exploded on his turn with the wheelbarrow and pretty much was the first to the pain station

-DD is FNG from CO and works at Denver watersports, heard a question similar to “you guys do this 6 days a week” from the dark is an answer “yep!”.

-Metro hangs tough and pushes it hard before having to depart

-Clark reminds us the reason for the season today with extraneous comment during planking about various appendages up or down. 

-Mater carries a block to help alleviate the wheel barrow load and kills it! 

-Puddle slugs it out with joy

-Hefty holds up the pax from end of workout mosey to AO while we witness a feat of strength with his max pull ups! 

-Strudel makes prayer request for his M to be made aware of portion of Bible verse reflection.  Ouch, reminded him disclaimer includes lack of marriage counselling. 

Go out and love somebody!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
