Stairway to SWOLEness

Event Date

Feb 15, 2019

One for a solo 4 mile standard

Back at the launchpad brother Scope is hard EH'ing a regular walk/running the track. He's been there quite a bit now but is typically leaving as we are gathering. Mario and finally Mater join the push so sooner than later we may see him. He has a jeep after all so will fit right in. He's done the hard part getting there that early…

Back to your scheduled program.


Let's go


Chinooks (IC) x 10

Cpperhead Squats (IC) x 10

Peter Parkers (IC) x 10

22 Merkins OYO

Sprinklers (IC) x 10

Windmills (IC) x 10

PAX are instructed to make their way down to the track by means of the Bear crawl bell pull, to which Mater asks "Are we just going to do Mary when we finally get there?" About 50 yards we pull up at the end of the fence and Zamparini to the bleachers.


Stairway to SWOLEness

Start at the bottom of the steps and do a one count exercise at each stair going up (total of 9 reps). At the top do a second exercise 10 (IC) and repeat 10 more (IC) on each step back down (total of 90 reps).

Round 1…Up—Bell Burpee/Down—Curls

Round 2…Up—Overhead Press/Down—Low Squat

Round 3…Up—Allen Iversons/Down—Clean & Jerk

Intermission—down to track and mosey out 50 yards, quadraphelia back, karaoke left 50 yards, karaoke back right

Round 4…Up—BigBoi Sit up/Down—American Swing

Round 5…Skullcrusher/Down—Dips

Zamparini back to launchpad


Preztel Crunch right elbow to left knee (IC) x 10

Pretzel Crunch left elbow to right knee (IC) x 10

1 minute low plank for Reflection


Galations 6:9-10

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. So then as we have opportunity let us do good to everyone and especially to those who are of the household faith."

There are a lot of HIM in this group and at times we can feel strethed. But if our effort is for good it will bring fruit. Whether you give your time to school, scouts, sports, or other avenues know that you are doing good. Keep it up!



Pray out


-Brother Scope coined BB sit ups with a bell "Reverse burpess" and was spot on.

-FNG-1=Mario who learned what a war daddy was today but the dude is doing great. Gotta get him signed up on the website.

-90 Dips were clearly the PAX's favorite today.

-Low numbers were attributed to those that may have exerted a lot of energy on Valentine's night, but it was determined those that posted were just clearly more efficient in their efforts.

-Be sure to come join Mater for his first Saturday Q (and see if he plans for 45 or 60 minutes) as he has a MARYful workout planned.

-See below for upcoming events.

Polar Bear (Feb. 23rd)—See 9 lives, and be sure to grab one of the sweet beanies

Denver AO2AO ruck (April 5th)—this is a 2nd F based event where we ruck from our Mustang AO up to SVU (13.1 miles) and have some fun along the way. Plenty of first timers and you choose your weight. No cost but we typically do some sort of charity tie in if led to give.

-Pleasure to lead and be led by this group.
