Rain cant stop the Glen train

Conditions:  rainy as heck.

Abandoned by the 4 runners.  About to call it, then 6 sick SoB’s showed for a proper beatdown in the rain this morning.  This is how it went down:


Then thang:

Station 1 x 3 (First Shelter)

Dips X 30

Pull ups X 10

Decline Merkin x 30


Station 2 Grab  Rock (Repeato x3)

20 Military Press

20 Skull Crushers

20 Bent Over Row
20 Curls


Station 3 (Top of Parking Lot) Repeato x 3

Grab a rock.

Top Hill: 30 Curls

Sprint to the bottom

5 Carolina Dry Docks

Slow mosey up


Station 4 ( Repeato times x 3)

20 squats

Mosey down

5 burpees

Bearcrawl to top


Recover Recover




Even with the rain, I really enjoyed the workout this morning.   I appreciate everyone showing up and not going to Cracker Barrel instead .   Rain or shine I can always count on a good Saturday morning. Topics discussed:


Q’s ethnicity (Im really from Ohio)

Male vitality as the age increases (Chief and Lear)

On a more serious note:  

As some of you know, we lost a F3 brother recently.   If I have learned one thing about being part of this group, is that  you have an Army of Men who are ready and willing to support one another in the darkest of times.  We all have our demons,  we all have our battles.  We dont have to go through them alone.  If you need help,  lean on your brothers.  We can pull each other up.


God bless and see you in the gloom.