The Double Stack

Event Date

Feb 18, 2019




A pax of 3 didn't let the rain scare them on this Monday morning.  Luckily, we missed the rain entirely.

Auto, Lego, and Mr. Holland ran the standard.


Mosey around the circle to the top by the blocks.  Triangle Up for:

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 15 IC

Cotton Picker x 10 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Mountain Climbers x 10 IC

Slow Squat x 10 IC

The Thang:

Grab a block:

Thrusters x 10 IC, Run to bottom of Lot, 5 Burpees, Run Back to Top

Thrusters x 10 IC, Block Swings x 15 OYO, Run to Bottom, 5 Burpees, 10 Jump Lunges Run Back to Top

Thrusters, Blocks Swings, Lawn Mowers x 20 OYO, Run to Bottom, 5 Burpees,10 WW II Situps, 15 Merkins

We audibled off some of the leg exercises since Auto is running the MBM in 2 weeks.

Shoulder Press, Block Swings, Lawn Mowers, Stiff-Leg Deadlifts x 20, Run to Bottom, Burpees, WWII, Merkins, Apollo Ohno x 20, Run to Top

Shoulder Press, Swings, LM, Deadlifts, Curls x 20IC, Run to Bottom, Burpees, WWII, Merkins, Apollo Ohnos, LBC x 30, Run to Top

Skull Crusher x 10 IC

Auto needed more miles and suggested we run to The Bridge.  This was perfect because I wanted to try something new at the Bridge anyway.

Plank Walk the Tunnel of Love.  We Plank Walked about 2/3 of the railing and then moseyed back to the AO.

Block Pullovers x 10 OYO, Return the Blocks


Low Flutter x 30 IC

Box Cutter x 10 IC


Thanks to Auto and Crimson for showing up on this cold wet morning.   It stopped raining in time for us to get the workout in.

After having a massive head cold last week, it was nice to get out and sweat, although it is difficult to call cadence when you can't breathe.

Thanks Auto for taking us out and allowing me the opportunity to lead this fine AO.