Tuesdays with Pyramids

There was a smattering of bodies assembled at 5:30, so we started repping with 'not all' ready.  The runners (Loveshack, Contra, Nymph, and Usain) scurried off, #thestandard included ruckers (Pierogi and Big Mean) and runners (Dewey and Mailman).  This left us essentially 12 Gents (including Dewey, who doubled down!!) to plow through some pyramids of pain, as Totebag called it on Slack.  

Warm-ups (IC): SSH 15, MC's 10, CDD's 10, CP's 10,  IST's 15, Goblet Squats 10, 10 KB swings not IC, CP's 10, 15 KB swings

The Thang: Zamp bells to fountain.  
Pyramid #1- Lawnmower pulls R/L, Dips IC-12, 10, 8.  Lap past Cheezewiz's shop to 'loosen' up.  Zamp bells to the HCF parking lot.

Pyramid #2- IC Reps of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 of Curls, Skull Crushers, Mil Presses, Squats and single count KB swings, then 'SPRINT' at 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50% of your personal (NOT corporate), PERSONAL MAX speed, to the opposite end of the parking lot, then jog back.  Zamp to wall, Iron chair with 10 mil presses of the bell, IC.  Zamp back to fountain, 10 step ups/mil presses OYO. Zamp back to pavilion.

Mary:  Flutter presses 12, Freddie Mercs 12, BellBC's 12. Recover, recover.


-Near devastation occured to our runners as they were almost taken out on Williamson during the start of their run.  Luckily, due to their deft and unseemingly supernatural agility, disaster was averted and the vehicle vs. man calamity did not occur.

-Mailman and Dewey 'ran' #thestandard, as Pierogi and Big Mean rucked, and the other runners ran DURING our workout, capiche?

-YHC is missing one, anyone know who it is?

-Lear's count….priceless!  Loud, variable, intermittent, and wholely awesome, like he is!

-Mailman appeared to be sipping a cup of coffee and enjoying a morning cig as he gazed at us Zamping our bells to the fountain……eery.

-ALL PAX took tourns counting in cadence today, thank you!

-The delay on #BB production was due to the unexpected sleet yesterday, and the lack of proper funding for The Wall, YHC apologizes

-Thanks, Banana Peel, for the keys to this LOVELY AO!!