Doing the Gazebo

Event Date

Feb 20, 2019

5 men appeared on a wet 37 degree morning to meet some metal and sand!


SSH x 30 IC, Cherry Pickers x 15 IC, Windmills x 15 IC, Derkins x 10 IC

The Thang:

Pax completed 4 rounds of the following stations:

  1.  Bench Fly x 10 reps, 30lb kettlebells
  2.  Curls x 10 each arm, 25lb dumbbells
  3.  Deadlift Rows x 10, 55lb or 45lb kettlebell
  4.  Front Raise x 10, 10lb dumbbells
  5.  Clean Press x 10 each arm, 35lb kettlebells
  6.  Plank, mercan, row x 10 each arm, 15lb dumbbells
  7.  Ab rollers x 10
  8.  Squats x 10 with 60lb sandbag 
  9.  Cross body chop x 10 with 40lb sandbag

After 1st round- pax did 10 burpees and weighted mason twists x 15 IC

After 2nd round- pax did 10 burpees and crunchy frogs x 10 IC

After 3rd round- pax did 10 burpees and leg lifts x 15

Mary:  Did it already!  Included in the above…


  • Q came out of the gates flying, fast pace cadence was impressive to pax, Q was compared to Slow Roll.  Evidently he's rubbing off on Q, I'll take that as a complement.
  • Glad FIA's are taking a break, ( or breaking things…heard there are some injuries…), nice using the Gazebo for our workout today.
  • Thanks Natty for the kicking speaker today!  Had to turn it down, apparently some neighbors not as impressed as pax with the jams, didn't want to get them too excited this am.  Evidently the husband and wife like to walk (exercise), but not together.
  • Natty got some extra credit by adding a shoulder press while doing the Cross Body Chops, Q noticed and "followed his Muse"
  • Ozzie has lined up a gym for the pax to play some basketball.  Looking like Tuesday nights for anyone interested, details to follow. 
  • Sign up for Joe Davis 5k ,10k, or Kids fun run at,  Slow Roll is doing 5k, Natty and El Tigre will be doing the 10k.  
  • May have some second F,  fellowship that is, at T's Fat Parrot Friday night possibly around 8pm, for anyone that wants to go.  Will keep you posted.