The Weather forcast wasnt pretty and sure enough it wasnt great but the heavy rain held off while we got to work.  I had planned on many Pax taking the easy dry way out and not showing.  With this thought I figured we could all fit under the shelter and smell the coffee brewing while we worked.  To my grateful but somewhat anxiety provoking suprise another 18 gents showed up for the beatdown. 

We did a quick pledge and warmup with 15 side straddle hops, 15 imperial storm troopers, 10 windmills and the always reliable arm cicles.  We then headed to the pavillion to smell the coffee and get to the real work.  Some wanted Chiabata but it was all Tabata with 8 sets of exercises (Deline Merkin, Jump Squat, Dip, WWII Situp, Incline Merkin, Squat, Dip or Monkey Humpers, LBCs).  Tabata means 4 minutes of work, 20 seconds of the excercise 10 second break, a total of 8 sets each.  Between each set we did burpies, starting with 8 and counting down to 1 with each set.  To finish we did a plank and merkin routine to Happier by Marshmellow and Bastille.  Mercy was found about 6:16 with a recover recover and coffee.  FNG Al and Ponzi attended in addition to the Pax above.