Muscle Beach

7 men showed for some iron pumping and bag moving at Muscle Beach.


SSH 20 IC, Cherry Pickers 15 IC, Merkin Set – single count – 5 regular, 5 left arm up, 5 right arm up, 5 wide arm, 5 diamond merkins, 5 regular

The Thang
3 rounds of the following:
  1. Bench + flutter – 20 [35 lb kettles]
  2. Curls – 10 [25 lb dumbells]
  3. Merkins / bag pulls – 10 [40 lb sandbag]
  4. Skull crushers – 10 [45 lb kettle]
  5. Clean Press – 10 [30 lb kettles]
  6. Squats – 10 [60 lb sandbag]
  7. Merkins w/front raise – 10 [10 lb dumbells]
  8. Tricep extension – 10 each arm [15 lb dumbells]
After Round 1:
Broad jump burpees across parking lot 
Bear crawl across parking lot
Leg Raises 20 Single Count
After Round 2: 
Sprints – across parking lot, uphill to top of parking lot, downhill to bottom of parking lot 
Pax was about to dominate set #4 when the sky fell out. We put away the weights and hit the gazebo.
2 sets of the following OYO:
Diamond derkins – 10
Dips – 15
Table sit ups – 10
Step ups – 20
Dips – 15
Wide derkins – 10
Ozzie – WWII, Twister – low dolly, Tool Time – low flutter, Natty Lite – flat foot crunch with hold at top
  • Ozzie has moves like MJ according to Natty – sounds like Tues night BB game got off to a good start last night
  • Uphill sprints are a Pax favorite – good to know for next time
  • There are other forms of transportation besides bear crawl
  • If Bear Crawl was an Olympic sport, El Tigre would be a serious contender
  • Q needs some work on the music for Muscle Beach – again – good to know for next time
  • A pleasure and honor to lead this morning. Great work gentlemen!