PT and KB On My !

Event Date

Mar 01, 2019

Schoolbellz welcomed Labon (Dorran) a recent transplant from Huntersville. Good to have you join us and hope to see you back out. How's the new tax rate treating you? *aw-yeah*

Mario still needs to register but meanwhile we are getting legit FNG numbers. Good to see you continuing to post.


25 x SSH IC

25 x slow squats IC

Getting Ready for the weekend

Partner up  – 2 Minutes Max sit-ups

2 Min max push-ups

You know your numbers and what you can improve on. I hit my mark on sit-ups and barely missed on push-ups

The Thing

10 x KB burpee OYO

25 x KB Low Flutters IC

25 x KB Low Dollys IC

25 x KB Overhead hold IC

KB Carry Up the Parking Lot

Repeat for max rounds

We were able to complete 3 full rounds #ThanksScope with only a brief intermission in round 2 where the Q had to avoid a ziploc #Qsplash



25 x LBCs IC

20 x KB American Hammers IC


“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 15:5-6 NIV

Didn't recall reading this verse before I did a search for endurance. Good positive message knowing that I have a God that gives me Endurance and Encouragement and all he asks for in return is to be given the glory 



 – Down side of Qing is the lack of participating in MC while keeping cadence but Crawdad and Scope were chatty Cathys this morning

– Down side of being hard of hearing is missing most of what was said

– I prefaced that this was gonna suck and true to form KB burpees are no fun but are definitely heart friendly.

– Q forgets the disclaimer until well into the thing  and only after the first round of KB holds overhead

– Schoolbellz record  – 0 Curls #SorryLadies