
Event Date

Mar 05, 2019

An odd number of nine rather oval shaped men came to the Quarry in anticipation of some hot chocolate Ovaltine to pair with the planned workout. Words cannot adequately describe or convey the look of utter disappointment upon their eventual realization that there would not actually be any Ovaltine.


Front skip, Backwards skip, Karaoka x 2, Backwards run, SSH, TS, Windmill, Cherry Pickers and Mercans

The Thang:

Run to track

  • Pull-ups oyo – 10

  • Knee ups oyo – 10

  • Alternating steps on curb – 50

  • Mike Tyson – 10 I/C

Run lap on the track oval (for oval time, d’ya get it? Cue the utter disappointment)

  • Cockeyed Mercans

Ab station part 1

  • Knees to one side stacked on each other

  • Crunches for obliques – 20

  • Hands above knees – plus obliques for 20

  • Hands above knees – hold obliques for 10

  • Change sides and same thing

  • Knees bent feet flat on ground – Alternating ankle taps – 20

  • Freddie Mercury – 20

Run around track to curb

  • Decline Mercans

  • Dips
  • Incline Mercans

Run around track

  • Apollo Anton Ono

  • Lunges

Ab station part 2 – Do Each of these for one minute

  • Plank with alternating shoulder tap

  • Boat pose

  • Freddie Mercury

  • Elbow plank with dolphin (arch back up)

  • Bottoms of feet together and crunch

Run back to base


See ab stations above


  • Nine is most definitely not an even number. Q had some partner exercises in the queue for today that would have been uncomfortable on many different levels, but a late arrival of the odd number who was not carpooling with another even number dashed that option

  • Q probably could have handled this better, but the ensuring audible went better than expected

  • If you find yourself in the 6th grade and are peer pressured to inflate a prophylactic while on recess on school grounds, be sure it’s not the lubricated kind. And that’s one to grow on

  • Lot of good mumblechatter today that Q definitely did not hear

  • Cock-Eyed Optimism: Using a Foreskin to Repair Eyelids. This study documents a case of cock-eyed optimism in a German surgical team, and the presumably happy result for the patient

    • Cicatricial ectropion in ichthyosis: a novel approach to treatment,” Detlef Uthoff, M. Gorney and C. Teichmann, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, June 1994, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 92-5. The authors, at Eye-Hospital Kiel-Bellevue, Kiel, Germany, report:

    • An uncircumcised youth with total body involvement from ichthyosis developed bilateral upper and lower ectropion. The penile foreskin was the only possible suitable donor site because it seemed unaffected by the disease. A circumcision was performed and the foreskin divided into four separate full-thickness skin graft triangles to treat the four-lid ectropion. There was successful resolution of the eye symptoms and a watertight closure. To our knowledge, this is a unique case in which penile foreskin has been used to correct cicatricial ectropion.”

  • While there has been a lot of focus on strengthening our bodies, let’s not forget about the strengthening of ones minds that also occurs during these workouts

  • Defined obliques resemble an arrow or otherwise point to the pathway to pleasure

  • Welcome Marker from LKN to the MIL F3 crew. I missed some of the pleasantries due to a diagnosed case of magnesium overload from too much Ovaltine the night before due to the documented relaxation and sleep benefits, but I understand he typically posts at the East Lincoln outpost. Great to see you out, and hope to see you again

  • Great work men!