Abs of Steel at MJ


18 men for an ab heavy MJ beatdown.  Strong showing by all.


SSH x 20 
ISD x 10
Windmill x 10
Cotton pickers x 10
Toy Solider x 10

First up was the Crowdpleaser…

Merkin/Groiner ladder starting at 1/1 going up to 6/6.

Mosey to the Back door and partner up

Partner #1 – run to the top of the hill – 5 Burpees

Partner # 2 – LBCs


Partner #1 – run to the top of the hill – 15 Merkins

Partner #2 – W's


Partner #1 – Run to the top of the hill – 25 WWII Sit ups

Partner #2 – Big Baby Crunches


Partner #1 – Run to the top fo the hill – 35 Squats

Partner #2 – Plank


All run to the top of the hill for 45 partner leg throw-downs

Mosey up the hill to the Boy Scout building and back to the blocks

Skull crushers x 10

Low flutter x 10

Shoulder Presses x 10

Rosalita x 10

Curls x 10

Dot the I x 10

Chest presses x 10

Dying Cockroach x 10

Repeato x 2

Find your partner…

Parnter #1 Farmers carry the blocks 1 island

Partner #2 Lunge walk 1 island

Switch until all the way back


Crowdpleaser starting at 6/6 back down to 1/1

Mosey back to start

1 minute left, so Hippie took us out the Suzanne Sommers x 15 each side.



1) Great turnout today.  I expected less PAX and worse weather.  I was pleasantly surprised on both counts.

2) The mumblechatter was thick this morning, with Toxic and Kid Rock taking a quick lead.  Kid Rock rightfully called out YHC for the burpees though.  They are a rare sight for workouts I lead.

3) Hippie was right on the mark guessing my "suggestion box" had a shredder at the bottom.  You know me well brother!

4) Soprano and Titan showed for a late flyby.  Titan inserted himself like he had been there the whole time.  I believe a comment was made that the PAX preferred the quieter 2.0 version… 

5)  Twister had some kinda GI thing going on that made Toxic move to the other side of the circle.  Lucky for us Amen wasn't there as well.

6) Kudos to Moses for continuing to post during his rehab.  Well done brother!

7) Prayers up for Sophie and Sean

Thanks to Blackbeard for the opportunity to lead this morning.  MJ is a great AO.  Glad to be back.