The End of an Era at the Estate

11 PAX braved the gloom to help celebrate some shovel-flag passing at the Estate.  We actually passed the shovel-flag at the start so this ended up being my first Q as MQ.  During warmups YHC explained that I wanted to plan something very special, creative and entertaining to commemorate today.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of anything so I just went with a good Ole’ Fashioned 3S2T beatdown.  Some of the PAX hadn’t heard the 3S2T concept, see the Moleskin for more.

WARMORAMA: Mosey around parking lot with high knees, butt-kickers, carioca, and quadraphelia.
                Circle up:
                SSH x15 IC, IST x10 IC, TS x10 IC, Windmill x10 IC, Carrot Puller x10 IC, Arm Circles Front & Back OYO, Slow deep ‘mericans x5 IC, slow deep squats x10 IC, calf raises x10 IC.

THE THANG:  Pax each grabbed a block and a partner and headed over to the track.
                Round 1:
                                1A: Partner A does ‘Mericans OYO (as many as you can do) while Partner B farmer carries both blocks down to number (about 25 yards) and back. Switch.
                                1B: Partner A does squats OYO while partner B farmer carries down and back. Switch.
                                Bataan Death March (Indian run w/ last PAX doing 3 ‘Mericans) around track.

                Round 2: Find a different partner.
                                2A: Partner A does squats thrusts while partner B Zamporinis down and back. Switch.
                                2B: Partner A does rocky-balboa on blocks while partner B zamporinis down and back. Switch.
                                Bataan Death March (Indian run w/ last PAX doing 3 ‘Mericans) around track.

                Round 3: Find a different partner.
                                3A: Partner A does block ‘Mericans (one hand on block, switching hands every 5) while Partner B SPRINTS to numbers, and mosey back.
                                3B: Partner B does lawn mowers with blocks while partner B zamporinis down and back.
                                Bataan Death March (Indian run w/ last PAX doing 3 ‘Mericans) around track.

                Round 4: Head over to the building and find a different partner.
                                4A: Partner A: peoples chair on building while Partner B runs to playground and does 10 pullups and runs back. Switch.
                                4B: Repeato.

                Round 5: Grab block and a piece of curb.
                                No partners, all at same time.
                                Curls x10 IC; 30 seconds (closer to 1 minute) of Rocky Balboa
                                Shoulder Pressx10; Rocky Balboa.
                                ‘Mericans x10 IC; Rocky Balboa.

                Blocks back and circle up for Mary.

PLEDGE: Since we forgot it at the start, we stopped by the shovel-flag for a quick pledge of allegiance.


                Yesterday was International Women’s day so in celebration we pulled out the trifecta (all x10 IC): Rosalita > Jane Fonda (Left) > Hip Dip (left) > J-Lo > Hip Dip (Right) > Jane Fonda (Right) > Rosalita.

                Homer to Marge a few times until there was sufficient PAX groaning.

                Little Bad-Ass Crunches (LBC’s with one leg out straight) x10 IC.

                Shoulder touch ‘Mericans x10 IC

                YHC gave the PAX the choice of 1 minute of plank or 2 minutes of burpees…plans were chosen.


During warmups some of the PAX hadn’t heard of the 3S2T concept so YHC explained that it stands for Speed, Strength, Stamina, Toughness Physical and Toughness Mental.  These are the elements of fitness each F3 workout should strive to advance. The rain slowed up for us to give us a fairly mild day, not too wet, not too cold, but we found plenty of ways to exercise that Toughness!

COT Announcements included Operation Sweet Tooth 8k on March 30th and prayer requests for fellow PAX and their 2.0s and 2.1s who need healing.

We gave away a copy of Freed To Lead (Turnpike's copy I belive?) to Snake Eyes.  Great read and recommended to any PAX who wants to get to know F3 a little better, and probably themselves in the process. 

Today was a special day for YHC as I am officially taking over the MQ of The Estate from Turnpike.  I am honored and excited for this opportunity and hope to follow in the footsteps of the great Estate MQ’s who’ve gone before me.  And on that note…we’ve got some openings in April let's get that Calendar filled!