Viking Ship Moveth Forward !

10 Men jumped out of ye Fart Sacketh and hit the Viking !  About 45 temp set the tone.

Mosey to rock pile to pick your buddy.

Tennis courts:

Suicides using the 3 sidelines.

Rocks: Curls, Shoulder Press, & Skull Crushers with suicides after each set

Mosey to lower pavilion chucking rocks back


Incline mericans, dips, repeato

Step ups, Australian pullups, repeato

Lower lot: 10 burpees OYO, take lap around lower lot

Mosey back to start for MARY


Mason Twist – Cousin Eddie

Mr Holland – sorry forgot

Toxic – Dot the I

YHC – Rosalita

Wafflehouse – WWII situps

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Fescue for allowing me to Q at Viking.  Feels good to hit NM Park with 10 men of F3.  So many areas and corners of this park to explore.

2 – Great feeling to pull in and see good size group for Viking getting their 2nd F on for sure.

3 – Thanks to F3 for pushing me today to be better than I was yesterday !

Mayhem (in the AM)