Where’s the sled??

Event Date

Mar 18, 2019

10 PAX showed up on a clear, dry, colder-than-originally-forecasted morning to get better.  Some were chagrined to discover their run with painstations workout got hijacked and converted into some good ole fashioned manual labor.

FNG-1 is Socrates and FNG-2 is Socrates (older) 2.0 Chewbacca.  Both have recently moved from Fort Mill where they were F3 regulars to Denver and picked the most awesome group they could find as their new F3 home. 

Disclaimer given

Warm Up

SSH IC – 20

Cottonpickers IC – 20

Windmill IC – 15

Merkins IC – 10

Mountainclimbers IC – 15

Tha Thang

Partner Up.  6 Stations set up, each with its own heavy thing found around Kaz estate.  PAX 1 – Carries heavy thing to corner of school (~100 yds).  Sets down heavy thing and does exercise indicated on index card waiting for them.  PAX 2 stays back and does exercise indicated until PAX 1 returns.  Switch roles.  Move to next station.


1 – 50lb cracked corn bag carry then 20 HR Merkins / stay exercise = SSH

2 – 10 gallon bucket w bricks then 10 Burpees/ stay exercise = side squats

3 – 50lb goat feed bag carry then 20 Squats holding bag/ stay exercise = LBC

4 – 2 – 5 gallon buckets w bricks then 15 alternating curls/stay exercise = J-Lo (plank hip touch)

5- 50lb chicken feed bag carry then 20 15 deadlifts with concrete chunk waiting at other end/stay exercise = high knees

6 – Log carry then 20 shoulder press with log/stay exercise = squats

Repeato for 2 rounds at each station

Mosey to field to test out Clark's newly constructed, custom F3 sled of death.  

Rotatoins of sled push for 50 yds while one PAX does AMRAP pull ups and rest alternate AMRAP Merkins / Squats.  Rotate until all PAX get a rotation on sled and pull=ups.


25 Flutterkicks IC


1 minute Plank


Colosians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters


So huge Q-fail in estimating time to complete the heavy carry stations.  Biggest mistake was the distance.  Establishing what seems reasonable while driving the truck wasn't the best approach in hindsight (but i wasn't carrying that concrete block that far).  YHC was excited to test out Clark's new contraption of pain but that will have to wait for another day.  Big ups to Clark for custom-making that thing.  It is a beaut.

YHC had fun doing a scavenger hunt across the property to find enough heavy things for PAX.  I have no clue what the original use of the concrete chunks are that are buried in my woods, but goodness they are heavy.  Today's piece was one of the smaller ones.  That piece of concrete was in honor of Scope who was looking to flex his back muscles vs. fun.  Mission accomplished.

Note – today was YHC's payback to Spork for making us run for an entire hour on Saturday.  He hates heavy things.  Balance has been restored.

Mulligan and Diesel were killing it (and Mulligan pointed out that I skipped the HR portion of the Merkins – another Q fail to read my own card).  Good to see Bertha out on a regular basis.  That back of his held up well.  Spork complained about not getting in enough miles – shocker.  Mater did his normal freight train imitation.  Clark was cussing the weatherman for originally forecasting 40, only find it at a brisk 33 when we started.  

Great to be with everyone and honor to lead.  

YHC = Kaczynski