Taking a nap in the car doesn’t count as a standard?

Event Date

Mar 18, 2019


YHC loudly and proudly called for a 5:00AM Standard in the preblast. I roll into the parking lot at 5:01 and to my (pleasant) surprise didn't see anyone there…. thus the internal dilemma began.  Do I get myself out of my car and run or do I set an alarm and take a nap considering I didn't go to bed until after midnight last night?? I'd like to say that I tried to convince myself to run… but I didn't. My girl Siri hooked me up with a 5:20 alarm, leaned my carseat back and took a snooze.

BEEP BEEP! I'm jolted awake and now the fun begins.

The Thing:

Mosey around back to the hill behind the school: 

  • SSH, IST, TS, CP
  • Run to top of hill-> 10 Push Ups-> Run to bottom of hill-> 10 Squats (OYO)
    • The Force pumped his chest at how he can still out bench his son!
  • Repeato increasing each rep by 1 until we got to 15
  • Combination of plank and strectching at bottom of hill while all PAX finished.

Mosey to what I like to call the Colosseum: (and I believe it was Mona Lisa who asked if we were going to fight)

  • Box jump 4 levels 5X
  • 10 Dips IC, 10 Incline Merican, 10 Count Rocky Balboa
    • Repeato with Decline Merican 2nd time
  • Box jump 4 levels 5X

Long mosey around school and back to parking lot for Mary

  • PAX circled up for Mary, one PAX called an exercise. While other 4 PAX were doing said exercise, the one who called it Bear Crawled around the outside of the PAX
    • LBC, WW2 Situp, 1 Leg Straight LBC, Superman, Rosalita
  • Plank in circle while each back jumped over the legs of each other.
  • Finished off with a few more exercises that are escaping my mind (forgive me and my 26 year old brain)

Still had time after my plan finished so we ended with strectching:

  • Hamstring, groin, calf

Recover Recover


I promise to not Fartsack in the car next time I'm alone for a Standard… although I hope to never be alone again for a standard.

I enjoyed my time leading these men this morning and I hope to do it again soon.

Remember to sign up for the CHRISTINA LATINI MEMORIAL 8K on March 30th! I challenge each and every PAX to get at least one more person to sign up for the walk/run or even donate!