P200 Taper, Do Your Own Thang

Event Date

Mar 19, 2019


7x Pax showed at Fartlek for a run down to the Greenway and back. 

Plan of the day was to run what you brung.  As many are tapering for the P200 this Friday, wanted this to be a nice "no injury" run to taper down for the event.  Except for Rocket, he's out so he could do what he likes. At least he got us patches!

Tagless is looking good and runs like he is fully recovered from his injury.  Even gets the coveted "War Baby" award for the day.  Good times when the youngest is 47. 

Die Hard, Ikea, Ultraman, and Rocket all get the RESPECT award.  Also a good sign that over half the PAX are in the RESPECT zone. 

Crab Legs was once again the rabit and DJ for the day. Not only does he bring the music, but his running light vest provides a nice disco light show.  Win win!

Good run down to the Greenway and back.  Pax too different paths into the depths of the Greenway, but most ended up with around 4 miles at a pretty good pace.  Just the right amount for the last run before the P200. 


Come out to Stretch tomorrow AM.  Should be a good showing and a great time to stretch out and getting ready for the big run.  We could always jump back in the Log Cabin for something different. 

Buy a tshirt!  Jump on the F3 Gear store and sign up for a F3 LKN tshirt.  Have to get enough pre-orders in before they will fire up the presses.  It's been over three years, so about time to re-stock.  Oh wait, I never got one.  

Prayers going out for Rocket's M this Friday.  Hoping for a speed recover from surgery. 


See you in the gloom. 

TG sends,
