Zig Zag

Ten men came out on a Tuesday to try and get angular and in the ways of both the zig, and the zag. It was pretty much a shat show at the start, but it got marginally better as it continued.


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang:

Observe one row of 7 separate cinder block stations on one side of the parking lot. Observe a separate row of 7 stations located across the parking lot. Do one excise at a station then run across the parking lot to do an exercise at the next numbered station in a zig zag fashion.

The various stations were as follows. We did 12 reps of each of these besides the jump rope (50)

1 – Upright row w/ cinder

2 – CDD

3 – Alternating mercans w/ cinder

4 – LBC

5 – Bent over row w/ cinder

6 – Jump rope (sans rope)

7 – Curls w/ cinder

8 – Lunges

9- Squats w/ cinder

10 – Diamond Mercans

11 – Skull crusher w/ cinder

12 – Mountain climbers

13 – Shoulder press w/ cinder

14 – WWII sit-up



  • Fourteen separate stations may have been a tad aggressive

  • By my unofficial count that is 42 total exercises and a whole lotta reps

  • This workout could have used some music accompaniment. And some burpees

  • Setting up this many stations does take some prep time and this time does not always allow for the Q to provide clear and succinct directions to the assembled crew. However, most everybody seemed to pick up rather quickly on the zig zag nature of the workout, since it was referenced in the pre-blast and the stations were numbered. Not to name names, but some others demonstrated a problem showing that they had a firm grasp (i.e., grip) on the workout

  • The use of the GED reference when referring to said persons educational skills was unfortunate and upon reflectiuon, uncalled for

  • The GED, which stands for General Educational Development but is also referred to as a General Education Diploma, is a set of tests that when passed certify the test taker has met high-school level academic skills

  • Praises for Arizona’s daughter who had a successful surgery to remove her adenoids that was causing 90 percent blockage. As is customary with his heritage, the piece that was removed is now prominently displayed above the mantle over the fireplace.

  • Prayers for Double Double’s mom who has an infection in her leg that needs surgery

  • There are future plans to formalize a pickup basketball game up in Denver at Westport Baptist church in the evening if you are so inclined and indeed feeling the March Madness

  • Apparently the F3 shirt design is more prominently displayed on the back of the shirt and not on the front. Design discussions are continuing. MILF3 fever baby, you can catch it!

  • But the really, really big news is that Surf & Turf has welcomed his daughter Emerson Joy into the world. She weighed a solid 8.3lbs at birth and mom, daughter and Proud Papa are all doing great. Pictures attached below

  • Great work men!