The PAX were mis-sled

Event Date

Mar 20, 2019

1 for a Solo Standard and mini recon mission

10 PAX for a chilly 4 corner beat down and a new toy tryout



SSH (IC) x 13 or until Clark finally got his gloves on

Mosey to the island and circle around to continue the warmup

Annies (IC) x 10 each arm—-plank with arm circles to the side

Alternating curb toe taps (IC) x 20

Dancing Chilcutts (IC) x 10—low plank with alternating leg raises

Curb Alberts (IC) x 10—plank with 4 count hand tap to curb

Rotate 180 degrees to Decline position and perform 22 Derkins OYO #22

Mosey to upper practice field to drop gear, water, “cones” then mosey to grab 1.5 blocks per PAX and return


4 Corners with a twist…4 “cones” to determine the corners where the PAX will perform an exercise , all with blocks, at each corner.  Meanwhile, one at a time, a PAX will take the newly added Sled for a spin out an back loaded with your pick of blocks.

Round 1

Corner 1—5 Block Burpees

Corner 2—10 Block Merkins

Corner 3—15 Block Squats

Corner 4—20 Block Curls

We got thru 2.75 rounds by time all have sleighed the sled but the strong PAX that they are were upset about not completing the round.

Mosey to or around shot put cage and back to stretch it out (and check to see all fingers were still there)

Round 2—PAX were aske to partner up #SizeMatters. This time the PAX would take turns pushing each other on the sled out and back

Corner 1—5 Clean and Press with block

Corner 2—10 lunges each leg with block

Corner 3—15 Skull Crushers with block

Corner 4—20 Calf raises with block

I believe we got around 3 times here.

Return all the blocks (but one)

Grab gear and mosey back to the launchpad


Bay City Scissors (IC) x 9 or 10…8 count with 4 being flutters and 4 being low dollys

Captain Thors 1:4 ratio of BB sit ups and American Hammers increasing each round.  Made it up to 5:20 before 0615 beckoned.


James 3:11

”Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?”

There should be harmony between our speech to men and our prayers to God for the same mouth should not put forth…at one time blessing and another time cursing.  So hard to do sometimes.  Guilty with the 2.0 as we always want to teach them kindness but it’s very difficult to show that when we ourselves are in the moment.


-Awesome to see brother Stitches back out after 2.1 David has joined this world.  Get some sleep brother and know that you have a big family here to help you along the way.

-The sled thanks to Clark is a great addition to the AO.  The frost seemed to help and not until the way back did you think it was working you.  Some PAX quickly went to some alternate ways of securing themselves to said sled during the partner push, but with two handles and some grip tape I’m not sure their suggestions should have landed in the top ten.

-Plenty of prayers this AM—-P200 runners, those battling depression, Mater’s FIL, Clark’s 2.0, and those unspoken.  Speaking of the depression bit, 3/27/19 is a day F3 has been asked to speak to this.  Seems brother Mater has the Q so maybe he and Clark can connect on what the F3 group is targeting here.

-Zippy clearly liked the cone selection from the Q.  Black 1.5lb Black sandbags do great…they don’t blow away, they look cool, and you can’t see them so you can choose the distance to travel?!?

-Partner push on the sled was a Q fail but am sure we can get there.  Scope was a trooper as I slung him off the ride multiple times and may have also ran him over.

-Mumbling on not enough running at Monday’s workout by Mater and a few, and YHC did nothing to rectify that this morning.  Remember we all have access to the same Q calendar:-)

-Strudel continues to make the trip down south and is crushing it always with a smile.  Pleasure to have you join us!

-Sonar back out in prime form.  Truly enjoyed the jaunt around the Gates with him and crew Sunday.

-Mario is sure to have plenty of ideas for his upcoming VQ on Friday 3?30?19 at SchoolBellz (tho he’d be at instant legend status if he brought out the Kettlebell murph again…simple but effective)

-Bertha may still be thawing out the digits this AM as he had his summer gloves out already.

-Don’t forget the AO2AOIII coming up 4/5/19 launching from ELHS at 2000…all ten this morning are HC’s!

-Bible study tomorrow night at Retread’s.  See the multiple preblasts or connect with Mater, Retread, and/or Sonar.


Pleasure to lead and be led men,

