Chasing (and occasionally catching) the Rabbit at The Wilderness

BEP brought the heat today.  Despite knowing many of the pax would be in taper mode for the Palmetto 200, we didn't just run… we sprinted.  We chased the rabbit.

Covering the BB b/c that's what an MQ does when he appreciates a Q from his EH'er even if said EH'er no longer places BBs…

But this'll be short.


Set up cones about 10 yards apart, facing up the hill of Hugh Torrance Pkwy.  Rabbit (volunteer from the pax) sets up at top cone, when Q says GO, rabbit takes off, chased by the pax.  If pax catches rabbit, rabbit must do the next exercise w/ pax.  If rabbit doesn't get caught, rabbit rests.

So up the hill we sprinted, down we moseyed.  Bottom of the hill a couple rounds of dips, merkins, CDDs, low flutters.  Eventually stopped at the weight room to get coupons and carry them to the bottom.  Used for all kindsa curls, then skull crushers as we took them back.  Lotsa runnin'.


We didn't even try to catch Little Finger when he took off up the hill on his jet-boosted scooter.

Rocket jumped on the chance to be Rabbit first.  Smart move – sprint while you're fresh.  I caught on and jumped 2nd.

I could hear BEP's pitter-patter when I was the rabbit, and him laughing.  Who laughs while they sprint???  But he didn't catch me – had to be close though.

I did catch BEP.  Just sayin'.  And we were both laughing.  Then I almost merlot'ed.

That's a wrap.  Prayers for Rocket's wife having surgery Friday (leg injury from the uptown scooter).  Prayers and well wishes to the P200 pax.  Aye.