Wall Sits Are Harder Than You Think

Event Date

Mar 22, 2019

The P200 and 5:00 start can't stop it; they can only hope to contain the Intimidator!


Ist, arm circles, toy soldier, mozy around for 3 stations

The Thang

1 min wall sit with press, 5 burpees

1 min wall sit- 5 burpees, 10 merkins

1 min wall sit- 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 lawnmower

1 min wall sit- 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 lawnmower, 20 skull crushers

1 min wall sit- 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 lawnmower, 20 skull crushers, 25 lbc  

mozy to next station for same deal with different exercises

5 sets of wall sit, 8 count bb, shambala, bent rows, dips, lbc

mozy- 5 sets of wall sit, hurpees, urr, military press, curls, lbc

mozy back to star for 20 dying cockroach


Well wishes to team Race City in the Palmetto

Really need to grow this great AO!

Thanks for the keys Frosty

Cheers, Cheez Whiz