2, 4, 6, 8, Who Do We Appreciate!!!

10 pax answered the bell today at Fallout.  Turnpike and Rooter got in some extra work with a healthy standard run!!!  Here is what went down:

WarmUp: Mosey thru parking lot with high knees, butt kicker, and karioke.  Circle Up!!  SSHx15IC; 1 burpee; ISTx15IC; 2 burpees; CPx10IC; 3 burpees; TSx10IC; 4 burpees; WMx5IC  Trivia: How many burpees did we just do??  Mona Lisa: "10"  Correct!!!  Lets mosey!!!

The Thang:

A: Bear Crawl across parking lot and perform 2 incline merkins; Crawl Bear back to curb and perform 8 decline merkins (Continue but add 2 Incline Merkins and decrease Decline Merkins by 2) Repeato until done; ie: 2-8; 4-6; 6-4; 8-2.  The pax was much appreciative of this start to our day!!!!  Not a lot of chatter!!

B. Mosey to track.  Same rhythm as above but perform exercise on track and then run up hill to perform second exercise.

Round 1: Carolina Dry Docks/Squats  (Take a lap around track)

Round 2: WW2 Situps/Allen Iverson (Take a lap around track)

Round 3: LBC/Hand Release Merkins (Take a lap around track)

Round 4: Slight Audible to total of 5 reps at top and bottom (Exercise = BURPEES ONLY!!!)  Forgot to quiz the pax on how many burpees we just did in Round 4 but i am sure Mona Lisa would have answered quickly and correctly!!!  Correct answer is 20 by the way!!!


Dying Cock Roach; W; Shoulder Touch Merkin (a Snake Eyes tradition!!); WW2 Situps (MonaLisa's creative side)


Great work by all the pax today!!  Not a lot of chatter but everyone just got down and dirty and broke a good sweat.  Plenty of announcements about upcoming F3 events so check website for more details and follow on twitter.  We are all very fortunate to have the brotherhood of F3 at our sides.  Lets make sure we keep our head on a swivel and encourage all pax both old and new to stay involved and join us in the gloom.  Its an incredible way to start the day and each of you serve as an incredible motivating force to me and others.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!!!

Until next time!
