Jimmie Johnson

Event Date

Mar 26, 2019

Nine Johnson’s made it out on a refreshingly cool morning to practice their proper use of euphemisms in the inaugural running of the Jimmie Johnson 400.  This is their story.


Front skip, backwards skip, TS, Windmill, Cherry pickers and country cackalacky style IST’s

The Thang:

The Jimmie Johnson 400

-10 Burpees (bookend)

-20 Jump squats

-20 Mercans

-20 Freddie Mercuries

-20 Mountain climbers

-10 Burpees (bookend)

Indian Run twice around the parking lot, with a sprint option for the last block length. We did this four times.


Quick ab station

  • Crunches x 30

  • Ankle ups x 15

  • Bicycle x15

  • Hands under hips – bicycle just legs x15

  • Boat pose mason twist x15

  • 90 second plank


  • Today’s workout was renamed from the Ricky Bobby 400 for Jimmi Johnson, do to his commitment to fitness and the fact that both his name represent a slang term for the male genitalia. Apparently the humor level with this crew peaked and held steady at a seventh grade level.

  • It was very appropriate that Pinky was in attendance to bless us with this presence since he first shared this workout with the crew

  • On occasion, a Pax name is brought up for someone who has not posted much this year (once) and passed around. In instances such as this, it typically does not go very well for that person

  • Not certain what kind of medical professional provides clearance for just one workout and nothing more

  • Surf and Turf has apparently used his paternity leave watching unique and exotic workout videos. Careful with bringing these newfound reps to the crew since injuries will likely ensue

  • That was some odd isolation exercises emanating from the Pax in the circle. Sounded like the sphincter push

  • Not to violate any Hipaa standards, but apparently syphilis is making a comeback

  • So I hooked up with this girl in St. Lucia one time….

  • 911 is once again provides a sound moral compass on these shenanigans

  • We saw the first sign of spring today. Ozzie has arms!

  • For sprints, if you get upper body moving, the legs are surely (hopefully) to follow

  • The craft beer half marathon on Saturday may not be the race for everybody, as Kenyans may not place much value on the finishing medal that doubles as a coaster

  • The 10th Annual Charlotte Craft Beer Week is March 29th – April 7th, 2019. Visit http://charlottecraftbeerweek.org/ for a complete listing of the week’s events.

  • Solid effort men, and a whole lotta fun to boot