Tug of What?

Event Date

Mar 30, 2019

As darkness gave way to light, at first seven, then a necessary eighth Pax member showed. What followed was a systematic introduction, escalation,  climax, and a predictable dénouement, and finally- a conclusion…of course.  Both Sr. Margaret Mary and Ms. Wilcheck would be so pleased. Here is how it flowed.

Introduction: The Pledge, (IC) SSH 15, CDD 10, MC 15, Squats 10, WM's 10, IST's 15.  Stairway to Eleven-10 Merkins on top, 1 Squat at bottom, quad or bear crawl up, run down.  Rachet one down/one up until you get to 1 Merkins up top and 10 squats down below. 

Escalation: Mozy to rock pile, choose a rock to impress your wife, but not your girlfriend.  COP-Curls 7's, the rest each were 12 IC, Skull Crushers, Mil Presses, Bent over Rows, Chest press and Pullover ComboTM, Indian run lap, repeato 2x's with 'constant' curls at 7's and pyramiding down to 10, then 8.  A few extra reps were added when YHC got distracted by the perfunctory mumblechatter. Indian runs were added after each set, except the last set had Goblet Squats IC x10 and Lifts/curls/presses in a 5 count x10 to 'wait' on an momentarily absent Santiago.

Climax: Tug of War- Rope was provided by the illustrious Dennis and Kay Yates, formerly of 191 Riverwood Rd., men were lined up (column, not a row, dar-in-it) by weight, then the line was divided one by one to the right or left, until 2 (two) teams of ostensibly equal weight (and seemingly leg power?) were placed on either end of the rope.  Team B won 2/3.

Denouement: Low Flutter IC 25, Mason Twist IC 10.  recover, recover.


-YHC was excited to see Dolittle arrive, albeit a few min late, so that the teams would be even for the ToW.

-This was not a particularly hard Q, but since it was the first bootcamp in a week, it needed to be casual, deepest apologies.

-The Indian Run got to be a smoker….just sayin'.

-Lear and Deep End provide constant entertainment and happiness, always.

-Several of our Pax were rucking in prep for some rucking event.

-Cupcake joined us at CoffeeteriaTM, and dispelled great musings and opinion….how lucky is F3RCUSA to have this gem among us?

-Chief coughed up a F3RCUSATM shirt that YHC absolutely LOVED wearing throughout the day, Thanks Chief.

-It is ALWAYS a pleasure to hang with YHC's bro-in-law for workouts, Cheers Dolittle.

-Geronimo is so solid, you barely know he's there, nice work Geronimo!!

-@Usain, thanks for the keys to The Glen, ostensibly F3RUSA's most preh-stih-jus AO;-)