5 X 10 +1

9 showed for a redux of the 5 X 10 + a run work out event

Started with a short warm run to pull-up bars.

started workout with #1 on the 45lb bell rest on cinders rotating so everyone got a turn on the bell.

Everyone had a # today – Caboose was our #1

Work out – 

(5 IC curls, 5 IC shoulder press, 5 IC skull crushers, 5 IC squats & 5 IC V-ups with cinder or KB) X 9

After each round 5 pull-ups (one set we skipped the pull-ups and dig a extra long lap and another time we did 10 pull-ups with the extra long lap)

Did a set of cool down swings and squat press with cinder or KB

  • Jedi has the Q next Monday – Thanks for picking up and good to see your wrist is recovering nicely
  • Walt is a better coach than Tommy Boy but only if you cound wins verses losses
  • Baller is doing some running – going to be scary when he is fast on top of the muscles
  • Tootsie Roll had a good workout and managed not to get crushed by folks doing pull-ups or cinder blocks
  • Qbert has Q at Foundary Friday see you all there

There is a need for a new Master Q at The Sword see Tuck if interested.