Light in the Darkness…

Event Date

Apr 04, 2019


8 managed to stumble & fumble around in the darkness, only to find light for the win. The rest of the PAX in spirit, missed y’all!Warm-Ups:SSH – 50ICMountain Climbers- 25ICCotton Pickers – 10ICImperial Storm Troopers – 10ICWindmills – 10ICGrabbed blocks from the playground, met @ the top of the LBH…The Thang:Burpees – 10WW1 Sit-Ups – 20Block Trifectas – 15ICMeet @ the top of the GBH…Monkey Humpers – 20ICStarburst – 10LBC – 20ICMeet @ the top of the LBH…Burpees – 10WW1 Sit-Ups – 20Block Trifectas – 15ICMeet @ the top of the GBH…Monkey Humpers – 20ICStarburst – 10LBC – 20ICMeet @ the top of the LBH…Burpees – 10WW1 Sit-Ups – 20Block Trifectas – 15ICCarry block to the parking lot entrance. Meet @ the top of the GBH…Monkey Humpers – 20ICStarburst – 10LBC – 20ICReturn block, circle up in the parking lot…Mary:Hidden throughout…Homework:Stop, Drop, Merk: 3 to 4 sets of 20 to 40 Merkins every other day…Reflection:John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.In the Gospel of John, Jesus uses a lot descriptive language and associates God with light as “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind” (John 1:4) and “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:5) and He most certainly was. Jesus wants us to “Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light” (John 12:36). Even in the creation account, the light and dark had to be separated (Gen 1:4) and it took an act of God to do it.A timely occurrence: Some unfriendly fire cast darkness over the SVU: AO this morning, over the whole PAX. Fear NOT… The PAX made the hard choice, put in the hard work, to find HIM in the light @ the top of the LB (Little Baby) & GB (Great Big) Hills, over & over & over. Moleskin:- Nice crowd, nice company…- Hopefully Skipper has the SVU Maintenance Crew working to fix our BB pebbled AO streetlight…- Damn hills never get easy, may need to do them more often…- Thoughts & prayers & safety for the AO to AO Ruckers as they blaze a path across Denver of the East… Hate to miss out.Always a pleasure! My best,Dandelion