Schoolz In Sucka

Event Date

Apr 05, 2019

Warm Up

25 x SSH IC

10 x ISWs IC

15 x Monkey Humpers IC

The Thang

At the beginning and every 3 exercise we put the bell on our back and complete 2 awning laps

15x Curls OYO Each side

30 x Curls OYO

15x KB Skull crushers IC

30 x KB Russian Swings OYO

15x KB Copperhead Squats IC

30 x KB American Swings OYO

15x KB Sidewinder OYO

15x KB squat curls IC

15x KB Russian twist IC

15 x KB Press IC

15 x KB Merkins OYO

15 x KB Lunges IC

And reverse repeat where we make all the way back to Russian swings



25 x LBCs IC

20 x E2Ks IC each side

15 x Monkey Humpers IC


Matthew 7:13-14  13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


  • Lots of SCs and prayers of safety for the AO to AO

  • No swinging in the rain occurred during the workout

  • Keywords trigger the alarm for the school

  • Not sure YHC ever really woke up