Weird goings-on at Bailey Road Park. . .

Event Date

Apr 06, 2019



It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday. . .

(oh, never mind, the 70's lyrics contest is over)

But five men and two dogs did arrive at BRP ready for whatever YHC could throw at them (or were they?)

Hurley and Holly are not listed on the site. When are we going to start including dogs?

We started with the usual warmup run, which Hurley, of course, loved (being a full-on springer spaniel) and Holly grudgingly abided (being a full-on old mutt). Of course, Holly's human, Moses, is a bit compromised in the running department anyway these days, so Holly's pace suited him just fine.

You would think that these pax would be used to Jersey Boy workouts by this point, but that certainly didn't stop the grumblechatter. There's a price to pay for innovation, gentlemen. How are we going to know how stupid a Plank Fight is unless we actually TRY it??


We did A LOT of reps of all of the following (in no particular order):

  • Mosey 1.5 times around the field
  • Goose-Steps
  • Girl Fights
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Static Curls
  • Static Shoulder Presses
  • Static Skull Crushers
  • Partner Leg Throwdowns (with optional squat that obviously made the pax uncomfortable (methinks the ladies doth protest too much!)
  • Bear Squats (on all fours with shins staying parallel to ground, rocking back toward heels, then up again)
  • Down-Under Triceps Extensions
  • Dive Bomber Merkins
  • Road to Nowhere (running in place on the toes)
  • Calf Raises
  • People's Chair from Heck (lower, lower)
  • Sheryl Sandbergs (Lean-Ins)
  • Partner Halos
  • Partner Accordions (aka Watermelon Crushers)
  • Partner Squats
  • Partner Foot-to-Foot Body Lifts
  • Partner Dip Crunches
  • Partner Plank Fight
  • Partner Leg Press


Of the new made-up or weird exercises, I'm calling the Partner Dip Crunch, the Partner Leg Press, and the Dive-Bomber Merkin successes. The Partner Plank Fight was dangerous and just stupid, so we won't be seeing that again. The Partner Foot-to-Foot Body Lifts were a perfectly good exercise, but elicited too much grumblechatter to be worthwhile. And I still don't see any reason for the standing partner not to do squats during the Partner Leg Throwdown (you're not standing on top of him, so it's not even remotely a tea-bag exercise–contrary to the adolescent protests I was forced to endure). Methinks the ladies doth protest too much.


Boar Hog was either being reverential or sardonic (I'm going with the later) with his frequent "Amens" during the COT. (In his defense, I was rambling.) Further proof of pax impertinence was the conversion of my quiet and introspective "Let There Be Peace On Earth" prayer to an over-the-top singing rendition (Yes, I know it's a hymn!)  Soccer moms waiting on the sidelines pulled their children closer until we left the field.


All but Waffle House made it to the Q Source at Waterbean, where Moses decided to forgo the donut sticks I shared in favor of a banana. That's why you're the poster child for the Body Mass Index, my friend!

Thanks, gents, for supporting BRP and making my Saturday morning memorable. Don't forget to support Holiday at BRP next week (I'll be out of town).