Round n Round

Event Date

Apr 10, 2019

Someday I may learn not to open my mouth, then again, that is highly unlikely! Yesterday, Jolly asked me, on Slack, if I wanted to do an easy paced run. I said yes and suggested we meet at Half Life. Freepass immediately chimed in thanking me for stepping up to Q!! I know less about Q'ing a running workout than I do for a bootcamp workout!

Before leaving the office yesterday I Googled speed workouts so I could give the appearance of having some clue as to what to do…here it is.

We warmed up with an easy paced jog around Bailey Rd. Park then went down to the track for 6 x 400m with a 100m recovery after each lap, when you completed the set you did a 4 minute recovery, then repeato.


  • T-Bone can run, don't let him make you think otherwise
  • Swing State's recovery pace is faster than my "pushing it" pace
  • Ramrod is sneaky fast when sprinting! He starts out slow then all of a sudden he's gone
  • Say what you want about Jolly but on the rare occasion when he shows up he does work hard
  • Thank you, gentlemen, for letting me think I led Half Life this morning it's always an honor to lead any type of F3 workout

