I Needed A Reminder

Event Date

Apr 18, 2019


I texted Bag Boy yesterday morning to find out where we were going to post. He asked me if I was kidding. Given my lack of posts for bootcamps, I didn't think this was an unreasonable question so I responded: "Not at all". He then reminded me that the two of us switched AES Q's he was taking mine for 4/25 and I had this morning's AES!! I can give you a whole list of mutual fund & stock ticker symbols but I can't remember what I'm supposed to do tomorrow.


We immediately went to DUMC, no warm up on The Green. We picked up pavers moved over to the handicapped parking spaces. Given that all of us are well into our 50's I felt this was the appropriate spot to workout. We did a bunch of curls, skull crushers, overhead presses, and chest presses. I also threw in some fast cadence SSH's, cotton pickers, and IST's. After about 30 minutes we put the paver back, moseyed to the wall for People's Chair, then to the stairs for calf raises (toes forward, toes pointing out, toes pointing in), then some dips and incline merkins. Back to the wall for another minute of People's chair. (The 5:30 group showed up by this time so my mind was working on how we could disrupt them). Another round of calf raises and it was time to head back to The green but first, we circled up inside the circle formed by the 5:30 group for a round of fast count SSH's. Not to be outdone, Chim Chim called for his own set of SSH's and outpaced me by a good 2-1!!

A slow mosey back to The Green for a quick round of Mary.

Recover, Recover


  • The four of us were Respects this AM and Sparnarkel is a Double Respect, proving that Old Guys Rule.
  • Bullwinkle joined the 5:30 group to extend his workout to a full hour
  • Thanks to bag Boy for reminding me I had the Q, showing up for the workout, and being a solid Shield Lock
  • As always I honored, humbled, and so glad to be a part of F3.

