Blackbeard Never Knew

Event Date

Apr 19, 2019

5 Pax showed today to swing the bells at The Cauldron, and it was epic!

Master Q, Ultraman, was feeling a tad under the weather, but then again he runs hundos of miles and posts 6 times a week, so a day off is warranted.  Have no fear, YHC jumped on the chance to Q at this great AO!

Mona Lisa showed up, but with no cookies.  Dissapointing, to be sure, but then again he only bakes them during Christmas.  Maybe a "hump day" cookie event in June?  IDK

Warm a Rama had some stretching, arm circles, downward dog, merkins… until someone broke wind… 

Good to see Amen for the second time this week.  We did a lot of Bear Crawling at Wilderness the day before, and he did a lot of Bear Crawling at his post on Wednesday, so who is YHC to let him down? 

We Bear Crawl to Blackbeard's house around the corner and do Monkey Humpers, Squats, and Lawn Mowers in his driveway.  Someone may or may not have altered said individual's windshield wipers… IDK.   Then did every ex YHC could think of to shine our backsides towards the house.  YHC had called out Blackbeard the night before on Twitter, but forgot the victim had given up social media for Lent, so his taunting went without notice to the recipient.  No worries, all PAX in attendance thoroughly enjoyed!

We then head over to the Pull Up bars for some pullups and knee ups.

Then over to the Benches for some dips, suit case pick ups, incline Merkins, People's Chair, Air Press, and 5 Penalty Burpees since it sounded like someone dropped their bell.  Probably just sat it down hard, but I care about your fitness.

Over to another set of benches (so many toys here at this AO) for Decline Merkins.  Somebody passes wind again, so we get out of there. 

Back to the parking lot and YHC starts messing with his watch to control the music and ends up killing it.  That's what you get. 

Once we get to Mary, YHC tries to do as many excercises that use the bell, such as Mason/Bell twist, Dot the Eye with the Bell, WW2 situps with the bell, Navy Reg situps with the bell holding your feet, and other such nonsense. 

Finish up with the J Lo… because Amen. 

Recover Recover

Thanks again to Ultraman for the chance to lead.  Great job done by all.  Not one step of running, btw.  So if you need to give the feet a day off, but still need a post, sign up to Q this great AO!  Coffee after at the Giliad Starbucks is great as well.  Free coffee from them today.  Tclaps!

TG sends,
