Zero Burpees — Oops!

Ten PAX plus One 2.0 braved the cool April morning to converge with BRP at The Estate.  YHC promised a Spartan Training workout but failed to have the PAX do a single burpee.

The Pledge

The Warm-up

SSH (IC) – 15x

IST (IC) – 15x

Carrot Pullers (IC) – 15x

Arm Circles (OYO) – Forward / Reverse

Windmill (IC) – 15x


The Thang

Grab a Partner

PAX #1 mosey to playground to do 5=pull-ups while PAX #2 did Rocky Balboa on curb. 5-sets

Parking Lot Ladder

Meet back at bottom of parking lot at a location to be referred to as “Home”.  Parking Lot Ladder will begin and end at this location adding exercises at each island increasing by 5 reps.  All exercises single count unless marked.


  • Merkins = 10x
  • LBC’s = 10x

Mosey to first island

Island #1

  • CDD’s = 10x
  • W’s = 10x

Lunge Walk to other side of island

  • Slow Deep Squat (IC) = 10x
  • Low Flutter (IC) = 10x

Mosey Home


  • Merkins = 15x
  • LBC’s = 15x

Mosey to second island

Island #2

  • CDD’s = 15x
  • W’s = 15x

Lunge Walk to other side of island

  • Slow Deep Squat (IC) = 15x
  • Low Flutter (IC) = 0x (oops)

Mosey Home


  • Merkins = 20x
  • LBC’s = 20x

Mosey to last island

Island #3

  • CDD’s = 20x
  • W’s = 20x

Lunge Walk to other side of island

  • Slow Deep Squat (IC) = 20x
  • Low Flutter (IC) = 20x

Mosey Home


  • Merkins = 15x
  • LBC’s = 15x

Mosey to second island

Island #2

  • CDD’s = 15x
  • W’s = 15x

Lunge Walk to other side of island

  • Slow Deep Squat (IC) = 15x
  • Low Flutter (IC) = 0x (oops)

Mosey Home


  • Merkins = 10x
  • LBC’s = 10x

Mosey to first island

Island #1

  • CDD’s = 10x
  • W’s = 10x

Lunge Walk to other side of island

  • Slow Deep Squat (IC) = 10x
  • Low Flutter (IC) = 10x

Mosey Home


Sprint to Bus Parking Lot


Low Flutter (IC) = 15x – (Make-up)


Side-Shuffle, facing same direction, through the each bus parking spot.


Grab a Partner

PAX #1 mosey to playground to do 10=pull-ups while PAX #2 did Mountain Climbers.


Most to Home


PAX took the opportunity to lead an exercise as time permitted

  • Shoulder Touch Merkins (IC) – 15x (Snake Eyes)
  • Crunchy Frog (IC) – 15x (Rooter)
  • Low Flutter (Both Legs) (IC) – 15x (BEP)
  • (????? ) (IC) – 15x (Mona Lisa)
  • WWII – 15x (Guy Smiley)
  • Plank – Until he got tired (Baller)
  • Windshield Wiper (IC) – 15x (Jersey Boy)


The Moleskin


Mr. Holland, Frogger, and Tantrum – I will catch you for Mary at the next Q.

FNG-1 = Tantrum 2.0 / Guy Smiley

Tantrum was very adamit that we completed the Low Flutters that I missed on the Ladder.

I challenged Guy Smiley to race his father (Tantrum) back to home base.  If he won, I would buy him ice cream for breakfast.  Tantrum didn’t participate so I ended up racing him back.  Tantrum then didn’t allow ice cream.  Guy Smiley settled for a cookie at NY Bagel.

Mumble chatter was at a 3 on a 1-10 scale.  Somewhat disappointing considering the number of times I messed up counting / halting an exercise.

Great to have Jersey Boy attend from Bailey Road Park.  MQ’s agreed to swap AO’s for a weekend.

PAX discussed a RR10k and then a stop for coffee on the way to BRP for a Saturday beat-down at one of F3LKN’s original AO’s.

Jersey Boy advised that the only reason we had 10 + 1 was because he attended The Estate.  I feel as though he was insinuating he is the F3 be-all and all PAX are better in his presence and thus follow him through-out Huntersville / Cornelius on a daily basis.


Jersey Boy took us out in prayer and closed with reciting every verse of Let There Be Pease On Earth taking me back to my childhood where the song was sung frequently during Mass.

Thanks to all that attended, and thank you to Rooter for giving me the opportunity to Q.
