5 and a dog changed the play at the line of scrimmage

Event Date

Apr 23, 2019


5 PAX and a pup (Trigger) came out for a beat down.

The Plan:

Had a plan to do some running around the track with stations to start, but Fescue Q’d too hard the day before and Moses still has his knee “injury” (which I’m not sure is actually injured because he crushes it each and every day) so an audible was called.


Mosey to picnic tables by basketball courts. BoarHog’s dog Trigger led the way and was loud and proud about it while  Moses and is long strides easily kept pace. On the way we did some high knees and butt kickers.

Upon arrival:

  • carrot puller
  • IST
  • Toy Soldier

The Thing:

Partner up:

  • Partner 1 does 10 pull ups while partner 2 does dips (150 dips and 60 pull ups total)
  • Partner 1 does step ups while Partner 2 does people’s chair (150 total step ups)
  • Partner 1 does incline/decline mericans while Partner 2 bear crawls around tables (50 of each)

Grab a rock and move to track:

  • Zamperini one length of track
  • at 1st corner switch to curls
  • At next corner switch back to Zamperini
  • At final corner switch to curls
  • Moses beat BoarHog all by 50 yards at least! Jersey was behind BoarHog followed by Mr. Holland and Fescue

Return rock to quarry and mosey to bottom of hill

Quadrophelia up hill then Mosey back

  • Rocky Balboa
  • Incline Merican
  • New Merican workout that needs a name


  • Round the circle of exercises
  • LBC
  • Oblique V up
  • Mason twist
  • straight leg stretch (guessing it’s from Moses’ PT?)
  • Pretzel Crunch

Recover Recover


Thanks for coming out, always a pleasure! 

I’ve got the Q at BRP this Saturday come on out!

Check our my preblast for a concert next week at Hello Huntersville that I could use some help with!


Mr. Holland