Get the Hard Stuff out of the Way First @ The Blender

Event Date

Apr 23, 2019

YHC with the solo Standard.


  • Slow mosey around parking lot
  • SSH 20 IC
  • CP 10 IC
  • WM 10 IC

The Thang:

Set One:

  • Elevens:
    • 10 Burpees on one side – run over two parking lot dividers – 1 Merkin
    • Drop Burpees one each time, Increase Merkins one each time
    • Total of 55 Burpees and 55 Merkins

Set Two:

  • KB Work
    • Curl 15 IC
    • Skull Crusher 10 IC
    • Overhead Press 10 IC
    • Lawn Mower 10R/L
    • Chest Press 15 IC

Set Three:

  • 4 Corners – Mosey to each corner and do the following:
    • KB Swing 20 OYO
    • Jump Squat 20 IC
    • Carolina Dry Dock 10 IC
    • Lunge 10R/L IC

Set Four:

  • Repeat Set Two

Set FIve:

  • Mountain Climber 20 IC
  • Bear Crawl across parking lot
  • Plank Jack 20 IC
  • Crab Walk back across parking lot
  • LBC 10 IC
  • Rocky Balboa 20 IC
  • Bear Crawl across parking lot
  • Curb Dip 15 IC
  • Crab Walk back across parking lot


  • ?Mason Twist 15 IC
  • Pretzel Twist 8 R/L
  • Low Flutter 20 IC



Firestone was on FIRE with the Elevens! Nice Hustle! Razor was right there with him too.  Glad to see Qbert back from his… eh hem… "surgery"… which he was moving pretty good till the code brown… TMI.  
