
Event Date

Apr 23, 2019

Eight hundos originating from the glorious MIL region made it out on a Tuesday at The Quarry to take on the Hundo challenge. To use the proper vernacular of the day, we dropped mad hundos.


Front skip, backwards skip, karaoka x 2, SSH, TS, Windmill, Cherry Pickers and Mercans

The Thang:


Go to one side of the parking lot and make teams of two.

Each team of partners lines up on the edge of the parking lot.  The first partner in the team does a burpee suicide. This is done by running 10 yards, doing a burpee, then running back to the start; then running 20 yards and doing two burpees and running back to the start, and then running 30 yards and doing three burpees then running back to the start.

At the same time, the other partner is doing the exercises prescribed below.  Increments of one hundred (i.e., hundo). When the partner doing the burpee suicide finishes, the other partner starts their burpee suicide, and the partner who just ran continues the exercise count until the total amount of exercises is reached.

Exercises are as follows:

  • 100 CDD

  • 200 ‘Mericans

  • 300 flutter kicks (only count the right leg)

  • 400 squats

  • 200 Freddie Mercury (with Mercan suicide instead of burpees to mix things up)


  • Patience is a virtue. Patience while giving Pax instructions on the workout is even more virtuous. Lord, please grant me this virtue. I recite the Serenity Prayer often

  • Big fan of the suicide burpee. Others not so much

  • There was a malady during the latter part of the mercan set commonly referred to as “Gelatinous arms”

  • There may need to be a conversion factor incorporated into Slow Roll’s speed reps

  • Woke up this morning, got yourself a gun (theme from The Sopranos)

  • Form over speed? Or form over Substance?

  • Counting that high is really hard

  • You are never too old to too cool to dye Easter eggs and participate in a good ole’ Easter Egg Hunt

  • You guys really gave a hundred percent out there, or a hundo

  • Great work men!