The Warm-up:
Disclaimer given, many new and young faces in the crowd
SSH x 15 (IC)
Penalty question: this week’s Q-Source topic – Moses answered correctly
Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 (IC)
Penalty question:Q-source mixed egg topic (no one knew) — 5 burpees
Cotton-pickers x 10 (IC)
Stretch Down the Middle, Stretch Right, Right hurdler stretch, torso stretch, same x left
The Thang:
Mosey to DUMC, reunite with your favorite paver and circle up:
Each round in sets of 18 (IC), 15 (IC), 13 (IC), 10 (IC), 8 (IC) & 5 (IC)
Round #1: Shoulder Press
Round #2: Chest Press/Low Flutter
Round #3: Skull Crusher
Round #4: Curls
Round #5: WW2 sit-ups
Round #6: LBCs
Round #7: slow squats (3 count down)
A hearty Davidson welcome to Moses for joining today.All it takes is a personal invitation and he will show (he doesn’t have a lot going on these days while he heals, so he single-leg jumped at the offer)
Mind Freak kept the mumble chatter going and set-up a number of softballs, not many “TTSS” taken
Mind Freak’s math was off – he tried to add up the number of reps in his head and came up with 102.Moses clarified that it was 69 to which I comments at that point my son would snicker so Kwame asked the question: what is the square root of 69.