If you’re not first, you’re last – MIL F3 comes to Mighty Jungle

For this lovely Saturday morning, since I can see the NASCAR building from my office, I decided to bring a taste of Mountain Island Lake (MIL) F3 to my LKN Mighty Jungle family by sharing a time-honored workout Q learned from Natty Lite. Q had also been perusing the F3 Nation Exicon for additional ideas to include, some worked better than others.


SSH, TS, Windmill, stretching, and the Bat wings (forward arm circles x20, hold, backward arm circles x20, hold, seal claps x20, hold, and overhead claps x20). Bat wings sound easy, but the Pax started feeling the burn.

The Thang

Mosey to our starting line for the Ricky Bobby 400:

  • 10 burpees OYO (bookend)
  • 20 jump squats OYO
  • 20 Mercans IC
  • 20 Freddie Mercuries IC
  • 20 Mountain Climbers IC
  • 10 burpees OYO (bookend)

Indian Run around a large loop of the parking lot. This completes 1 lap of the Ricky Bobby (100 reps total). Repeato for total of 4 laps.

As we typically do this routine during the week as part of the shorter 45-minute workouts, several Pax rightly suspected we would be done with this with plenty of time to spare. Mosey to the gym for some Colonel Jessups (I need you on that wall; name copyright pending).

  • People's Chair
  • Ascending testicles: another idea from the Exicon, Cousin of Balls to the Wall. Start with feet on wall in 15 degree descending Merkin (Derkin) position. Do 10 Derkins then walk feet up wall to 45 degree Derkin position. 10 more Derkins then walk feet up wall to full Balls to the Wall pose. Can add 10 more Derkins here if you're tough enough. Or hold in BTTW pose. Unfortunately trying this new exercise after all the burpees and Mercans from the Ricky Bobby 400 resulted in calling an audible before completion.
  • BTTW for a 10-count once all Pax in position
  • Sampler of wall-less exercises: Muhammed Alis, Al Gore (hold squat position w/ arms out in hug-a-tree position, lowering squat position in increments), straight-leg sit-ups w/ a one-two punch combo at the top, and maybe some others I don't remember
  • Pattycake wall planks: couldn't leave the wall w/o my favorite new wall workout (start in plank position w/ head at wall, then brace one hand then the other on the wall, and down in 4-count cadence)

Mosey back up to the parking lot to circle up for a mix of reps and Mary, inlcuding CDD, LBCs, flutters, Homer-Marge, lunges, Ws, Rosalitas, etc. Also, after all the mumblechatter during the Ricky Bobby about the burpees, Q feared there might've been too many for the Pax.But when called upon for a Mary exercise, both Shaken Not Stirred and Knockout opted for additional burpees.


  • Lot of mumblechatter and grumbling about the Ricky Bobby for some reason. But I think the Pax enjoyed it more than they let on. Ha!
  • Lots of thoughts on proper cadence, calling audibles, and what the MIL F3 flavor entails. But it's all in good fun, as Blackbeard can attest.
  • Appreciate the chance to share a little MIL F3 flavor and lead my LKN brothers!
  • Thanks for taking us out, Moses
  • Always an honor!