No Murph Monday and The Flat Earth Society

This was YHC’s first full Q as I had co Q’ed with Dingo at Berean twice before. I’m thankful that MQ Big Montana “begged” me to lead the workout and discussion on this gorgeous early Monday morning.

8 men decided that Berean was the place to be on this fine morning, and their reward was a………No Murph Monday!! Which is why I’m sure Auto, leading his entourage, ran past us near the Hollywood fountain with a disdainful glare…more on that later… 
How did it start:
We waited for Heisman to arrive at 4:47, as he apparently was unaware of the Berean prompt start time of 4:45. In the meantime, Carpet Bagger was leading us through a lively discussion of his Flat Earth Society belief:) We then moseyed to the Hollywood parking lot for the Warmorama.


I gave the following disclaimer that
  • this was Turbo’s 1st Q;
  • neither I, nor Birkdale Village, nor anyone else was responsible for the stupidity in following me;
  • to modify the exercises as necessary….but remember, this was a No Murph Monday;
  • and, in the event of injury, that we would collectively get said individual back to their car….I’ve often wondered if this has ever really happened??
By this point, the mumble chatter was at an all-time high as Carpet Bagger was convincing Dingo (and several others, including Jimmy Olsen and Gnarly Goat) of the reality that the earth was flat simply by looking at the curvature (we’ll talk about curves a bit later) of the brilliant waning moon brightening our early morning workout! YHC had to remind everyone that despite the No Murph Monday there was still much work to be done!!
Here’s what we did:
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • People’s Chair w/20 air presses
  • Incline Mericans x 15 IC (my favorite form of Mericans)
We then moseyed over near the Chipotle area and found our cinder block friends. The Flat Earth discussion continued despite YHC’s best efforts to "run it out of them” and, finally I called attention to it. At which point  Dingo rudely interjected that I, Turbo, was the quietest I’d ever been. Each man then grabbed a block and we did the following:
  • Curls x 20 IC
  • Squats x 15 IC
  • Chest Presses x 10 IC
At the conclusion of the each set the loyal group ran around the interior of the parking lot, returned to their faithful block and did a repeato 4 times.
The blocks were then replaced and the men did lunges to the top of the parking area and bear crawled back to the start. This went on for two times, concluding with a lunge to the top and then a mosey into a parking garage where we People Chaired w/20 air presses. By now our workout time was drawing to a close so we moseyed back near the fountain for 20 Dips and 10 Inclined Mericans….and this is when Auto and his group ran past the Berean’s and when he glared:) A few of his entourage actually rebelled and stopped to do the Dips but once they realized they would be chastised later, they left us. We then moseyed over near Starbucks and concluded with some Mary….20 WWII sit-ups, 20 Low Flutters….Dingo took us through some Crunchy Frogs, Big Montana led us for 20 LBC’s and Gnarly Goat and Carpet Bagger co-led us through 10 Pickle Pounders and 10 J-Lo’s.
Recover, Recover!!
We counted off, did some announcements, and then regrouped with coffee outside and discussed a recent The Wired Word article “Mother Beg’s Young Women to Stop Wearing Leggings”. As you can imagine, the conversation took many twists and “curves". For example: Who is the responsible party? The observer? The observed? How have dressing trends changed over the years? Were people having the same discussions 20 years ago? 30 years ago? When and where might that form of clothing be inappropriate or appropriate? 
Afterwards, Carpet Bagger wondered how we didn’t weave his belief in The Flat Earth into the discussion about trendy form fitting leggings….haha

It was an absolute privilege to lead these fine, faithful, men and thanks again to Big Montana for allowing me to lead the workout and discussion and I look forward to future Q’s.