No eye contact please

Event Date

May 03, 2019

Two is the most awkward number. You can’t really “circle up” no matter how hard you try. If you face each other then you have to avoid eye contact so it doesn’t feel weird. The COT seems a bit off with just a “1”, “2”, ball of man again is awkward. Anyway, seems that all but 2 sad clowns decided that the fartsack was a better place this early AM. 

Short warm-o-rama where I introduced a variant of an exercise I picked up from our F3Charleston brothers, International Storm Squatters. Basically do a squat in the 3rd count and alternate legs on the 1st. 

The Thang was a bunch of loops around the parking lot where partner 1 farmer carried while partner 2 busted out an exercise and then ran to catch up, switched roles and continued around to the start again. (Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, Lunge Walks, Mericans, LBC). Last lap we dropped the weights and did a series of increasing jail break runs around the lot with slow mosey in between.

Mary was short and sweet with some reach-thru planks and such. 


5 am is still early. Daylight savings time didn’t seem to affect that

Both PAX recognized here, cheez was the war-daddy, YHC got to be the war-baby though there’s not many years between