First and Last Post of The Week

Event Date

May 06, 2019

4 pax showed up this rather pollen-free morning to join YHC in his last post for the rest of this week. The M is out of town starting tonight and the 2.0 cannot be left alone (allegedly). At 5:30am we moseyed over to the school gate entrance by the playgrounds and got right into it.


  • SSH x25 IC
  • Slow Windmill x10 IC
  • Carrot puller x10 IC
  • Carrot Puller (Tennessee Style) x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

The Thang

  • CDD x 10 IC
  • Australian Pull-Ups x 10 OYO
  • Gorilla Humpers x 10 IC
  • Australian Pull-Ups x 10 OYO
  • Parker Peter x 15 IC
  • Australian Pull-Ups x 10 OYO
  • Ranger Merkins x 10 IC
  • Australian Pull-Ups x 10 OYO
  • Smurf Jacks x 10 IC
  • Australian Pull-Ups x 10 OYO


Mosey to the basketball hoops

Pax lined up at the first basketball hoop (closer to the playground) for a little running:

  • Run to 2nd basketball hoop, quadraphilia back to the 1st hoop
  • Run to 3rd basketball hoop, quadraphilia back to the 1st hoop
  • Run to 4th basketball hoop, quadraphilia back to the 1st hoop
  • Sprint (if you had it in you) to the concrete blocks


We all picked up a block and did a modified version of what YHC tried at The General last week.

Brotherhood of the Traveling Rocks Concrete Blocks

  • Tried this at The General last week and realized it needed some modifications. This time, every other pax has a block. Pax with a block will perform full curl x10 IC while pax without a block perform merkins x10 IC. Pax will then pass the block their left and flip flop. Continue until all pax have performed 50 curls IC and 50 merkins IC.


Mosey to wall

  • People’s chair
  • Air press x 15 IC
  • Touch them heels x 15 IC
  • Balls to the wall for a 10-count


Mosey to the concrete blocks

  • OH Press x 10 IC
  • Skull Crusher x 10 IC
  • Lawn Mower x 10 IC (each side)
  • Sumo Squat x 10 IC

 Repeato! Then we did some curls, because you can never have enough curls

  • Low curl x 10 IC
  • High curl x 10 IC
  • Full curl x 10 IC


Mosey to Launch


  • Low flutter x 20 IC
  • Dying Cockroach x 15 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Parker Peter x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
  • J. Lo x 10 IC
  • Plank for 1 minute

Recover. Recover



  • Funky Town is back! Glad to have you at one of my Qs and hopefully you’ll get to experience more.
  • Is Q predictable? Toxic seemed to know the exercises before I even had a chance to open my mouth. He must have looked at my Weinke. You never look at another man’s Weinke.
  • Apparently, people that don’t watch Game of Thrones DO exist. Toxic and Ultraman have never seen the show and can’t understand all the memes on Twitter. As Funky Town pointed out, you can catch up pretty quickly as the seasons are all 10 episodes or less. We know you guys have nothing better to do!


Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Until next week – CB